I don't own Sailormoon or anything pertaining to.
E-mail me!  Hee hee...  I finally wrote one set 
during the Silver Millennium.


The tavern stank of unwashed bodies and cheap alcohol.  The men
were packed around the circle where two people were fighting.
Endymion watched from the sidelines as the petite fighter took out
another of the men.  It was unclear whether the fighter was a 
man or woman, but there was no doubt at the skill level.

'Possibly close to mine.' Endymion thought.  This was not something
he took lightly.  Endymion prided himself as one of the top warriors
on the planet.  Seeing this tiny creature take out men more than
twice it's size was almost terrifying.  He recognized some of the
men as soldiers from the palace, trying to make a few extra bucks.

The night was drawing to a close and Endymion knew the fighter would
walk away rich.  Undefeated, the combatant threw another man out of
the ring.  Endymion studied the proud stance and decided that it was,
in fact, a woman.  

She was dressed entirely in black, like a ninja.  Only her eyes were
visible, and at the moment, they were an icy blue.  Endymion watched 
patiently as the woman collected her money and walked out of the bar.
She wasn't afraid anyone would follow her in an attempt to take the 
money.  Those who would were too drunk to be a threat, and those who
could be a threat were sober enough to know they didn't stand a chance.
Endymion decided to follow the woman, and maybe find out who she was.
As quietly as he could, Endymion followed her as she left the slums of 
the city and turned onto one of the streets that led to small farms.

The woman paused and listened intently.  Endymion held his breath, 
hoping that she hadn't noticed him trailing her.  He let out the 
breath as the woman continued on her way.  He watched as she reached 
up to unwrap the black cloth that cloaked her head.  Piles of golden 
hair tumbled down, well past her shoulders.  

Endymion drew in his breath sharply as he saw her face.  Her beauty 
was ethereal, almost angelic.  Her blue eyes were the colour of a 
summer sky, and her hair was like liquid gold.  

"I know you're there." She spoke calmly.  "Come out now."

Endymion slowly stepped from the trees where he had been hiding and 
into plain view.  The woman barely glanced at him.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"I wanted to know who you are." Endymion answered honestly.


"I saw those men you took out.  Your fighting style is impeccable." 
Endymion told her.  She looked unimpressed with his observations.  
Endymion stepped closer to her.  She turned to look at him more closely.

"Who exactly are you?" The woman asked, curious as to who dared come any
closer after seeing how she dealt with other warriors.

"That is not important right now.  Tell me, who trained you?" Endymion 
asked.  The woman raised an eyebrow at the commanding tone he had used.

"And why should I do that?" She asked, rather amused.  Endymion was 
shocked.  Who dared defy him, Prince of Earth?

"I am Prince Endymion of Earth and I demand that you tell me." He ordered 
her.  The woman just laughed at him.

"Yes, and I'm the Princess of the Moon." Without another word, she turned 
and continued on her way.  

"How dare you walk away from me?" He called after her.  The only reply he 
got was laughter.  Shocked, Endymion just watched as she walked away into
the night.


"And you say this woman defeated some of our own soldiers?" Malachite

"Yes." Endymion replied.

"If this is true," Nephrite began.

"If?" Endymion exclaimed.

"We should try to recruit this woman into the palace guard." Nephrite said,
ignoring the Prince's outburst.

"I agree.  What did you say she looked like, Endymion?" Zoicite asked.

"She had sky blue eyes and hair like sunlight." Endymion told them.  The
four generals glanced at each other.

"Endymion, do you think maybe you are exaggerating the skills of this woman,
because you are in love with her?" Malachite asked gently.

"She could have beat me, had we fought." Endymion told them.  

"She must be good, if the Prince admits she is better than him!" Jedeite
exclaimed, laughing.

"Yes, I agree." Malachite nodded, although more serious than Jedeite. 

"How do you suggest we find her, since you are so smart?" Endymion asked

"Easily." Zoiycite said crisply.  "You said she was fighting for money, so
we hold a contest here at the palace."

"And you think she'll show up?" Endymion asked doubfully.

"If the prize is enough..."


Endymion's eyes washed over the ground in search of the girl.  He figured
she would be dressed similar to how she had been during the fights in the
tavern.  Twice more she had appeared to wipe out all competition in the
tavern's.  Both times, Endymion had followed her only to be blown off.

"Do you see her?" Malachite asked.  Endymion shook his head and continued
to look for her.  

Hundreds had turned out for the competition, more than they had expected.
Still, there was little doubt that she was there.  Endymion's eyes fell
on a group of ladies who were rapidly moving towards him like vultures on 
a piece of meat.  Endymion glanced around for a quick escape.  Seeing none,
he just turned and walked away.  Endymion glanced over his shoulder to see
if they were still following him when he ran into someone.

"Oof!" A disinctly feminine voice exclaimed.

"Oh!  I'm terribly sorry!" Endymion looked down to see the girl sitting on
the ground in front of him.  "You!" 

The girl just looked up at him, puzzled.

"Malachite!" Endymion shouted abovethe noise of the crowd.  Within minutes, 
the four generals were there, surrounding Endymion.

"Prince!  What is it?" Malachite asked as he ran towards Endymion.

"This is she." Endymion gestured to the girl in front of him.  Malachite
burst out laughing.

"Her?  Endymion!  She couldn't lift a sword!" Malachite gasped out between
laughs.  The girl leapt to her feet.

"Oh couldn't I?" She asked.  "I challenge you."

Her voice was calm and cold.  Her posture calculated to launch an attack at 
any minute.  Malachite stoppd laughing.

"Do you accept?" She asked.

"Yes." Malachite nodded his head.  

The six made their way to one of the circles that had been drawn behind the 
palace.  Malachite gestured to Jedeite to bring another sword for the girl.
Endymion shook his head and handed her his own.  The girl took the sword
and turned to Malachite.

"At least tell me your name before I beat you." Malachite ordered.  The
girl laughed.

"I'll tell you my name, but I'm going to have you on your knees begging 
for mercy.  My name, mi'lord, is Serena." With that she dove at him.  
Malachite had been prepared for this and parried her blow easily.  A crowd 
gathered quickly as the two swords clanged together.  Serena seemed to
easily match Malachite, which impressed everyone there, except Endymion.

The girl was able to wield his sword.  It had been specially made for 
someone of his height and weight.  The girl was easily a foot and a half
shorter than him, if not more, and was of a very slight build.

Malachite's sword swung down and Serena moved back, not fast enough.  The
tip of the sword caught her dress and tore if open to reveal a pait of 
very shapely legs.  Serena was furious.  She quickened her attacks and 
Malachite was beginning to tire.  Eyes watched in awe as Serena feigned 
left and went right.  She disarmed Malachite and and brought a leg up to
kick him.  Malachite fell to his knees in front of her and she drew the 
sword to his neck.

Applause rang loud throughout the couryard.  Serena let his head fall and 
handed the sword back to Endymion.

"Thank you." She told him before turning to Malachite.  "You,sir, owe me
a new dress!"

"I'll buy you as many dresses as you like if you will work for me." Endymion
offered quickly.

"I will work for no one." She told him before turning away.  

"Wait!" Endymion cried, grabbing her wrist.

"Let go of me." She demanded.  Endymion didn't even loosen his grip.  "I
said let go!"

"No." Endymion said softly.

"You saw what I did to your general.  You know what I can do to you,
now let go."

"No.  I won't let you go." Endymion told her, somehow knowing that she
wouldn't fight him.  "Work here, at the palace."

"I told you I will not work for anyone." She said defiantly.

"Then just live here." He offered.

"No." Serena shook her head.  Suddenly her eyes flashed and she grabbed her

"Papa!" She exclaimed and took off running.  Shocked, Endymion watched her
before running after her.  He mounted one of the steeds that were waiting 
for their owner's at the gate and took off after Serena.  She dashed through
the forest and Endymion followed her best as he could.  Serena ended up on 
the road where they had first met and Serena ran into one of the small huts.
She left the door open and he heard her call out again.

"Papa!  Papa!" Endymion dismounted and ran in after her.  "What's wrong?"

"Leave!" Serena cried.  "I don't have time for you!  Papa!" 

Serena was shaking an old man by the shoulder, trying to wake him.
It was apparent from his pale skin colour that he was sick, and had
been for a long time.

The sound of hooves brought Endymion's attention outside.  Malachite and
Nephrite were on horses.

"Endymion!  What is it?" Malachite asked, having taken a liking to the 

"Send for a doctor.  Fast.  Her father is ill." Endymion ordered and
Nephrite went tering back down the road.

Within minutes, he came back with the doctor.

"What is it?" the doctor asked, entering the small hut.  "Here, let me

Gently he pulled Serena from her father and out of the way.  He began to 
feel her father's pulse and listen to his heart.

"It appears your father has pneumonia, and has for quite some time."
The doctor informed her.

"Tell me something I don't know!" Serena replied sarcastically.

"He will die if he doesn't get the proper medical treatment." The doctor 
told her.

"I know." Serena said bitterly.

"Take him back to the palace and treat him." Endymion ordered.

"I don't want to owe anyone." Serena told him savagely.

"Consider it my payment for watching you make a fool of my general.
Now, move him carefully."


Two hours later, Serena found herself a permanant resident of the Royal
Palace.  She was dressed in a fine silk dress with her own maid.  Serena
tried to dismiss her, but was informed that she had no choice.

"I'm sorry miss, but the Prince said I'm to stay here and help you."

"But I don't need help!" Serena exclaimed.  The maid just shrugged
which only caused to infuriate Serena even more.  Before anything more
could be said, someone knocked on the door.  Serena flew across the
room to open it.  

"You may see your father now." Endymion told her, as his eyes took in
the beautiful picture Serena made.

"Where is he?" She asked.  Endymion led her through a series of corridors 
and finally opened one to reveal her father lying in a large bed.

"Serena?" Her father asked.  Serena gather her skirts and rushed to his

"Papa!" Serena exclaimed as fell at his bedside.  "Oh papa!  How do 
you feel?"

"Well don't you look lovely!  I always knew you had it in you." Her father

"Papa, do you feel any better?  What did they do to you?" Serena asked,
worry flooding her voice.

"Nothing terrible darlin' angel...  I feel better.  Just need to rest."
Her father told her, patting her hand reassuringly. 

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I've never felt better.  Now, you go have fun with your Prince over

Serena laughed gently.

"He's not my Prince, papa.  Far from it.  I'm not but a peasant girl."
Serena smiled at her father who lay in bed.  

"Aye, so was your mother, but she managed to capture the heart of a king."
Her father told her.  "Now, you run along and leave me to get my rest."

"All right papa.  I'll be back to check on you!" Serena promised.  Her father
smiled at her, and Endymion just watched her.

When she was with her father, she lost that hard edge about her.  She seemed
to be softer, somehow.  Endymion decided he liked this side of Serena.

"Come along, Serena.  Let your father rest." Endymion took her arm and led
her from the room.  As soon as the door was shut she wretched her arm from
his hand.

"I'm perfectly capable of walking." She told him icily.

"I know that.  I just..." Endymion began.

"Just what?  Just because I put on a lady's dress doesn't automatically make 
me a lady." Serena turned and stormed down the hallway with more grace
than Endymion thought possible.

Shaking his head, Endymion followed her down the hallway.  Serena continued 
down the hallway towards her room, ignoring the fact that Endymion was 
following her.

Once she got back to her room, she opened the door and found her maid still 
there.  Serena shut the door tightly, well aware of the fact that she may
have, and probably did, hit Endymion in the face with it.

"How can you do that?" Her maid asked.

"Do what?" Serena sat down and began brushing through her silky hair.

"Be so mean and cold to the Prince.  Not only is he the Crown Prince of 
Earth, but he's absolutely gorgeous!" 

"Oh is he?  I never noticed." Serena replied flippantly.  

"Oh Lady Serena!  You are hopeless!"


Serena made her way to the stables in a pair of breeches anda tunic.  She had
asked Malachite about riding here, and he had agreed to let her come on his
daily scouting duty, as long as she agreed not to beat him again.  

"Serena!  Hurry!" Malachite called.  "I saddled up Lady Moonlight for you.  Let's
get going!"

Serena ran forward and froze when she saw the three other generals and the Prince.
Raising an eyebrow she made her way towards the empty horse that stood next to 
Malachite's horse.  She quickly mounted with an ease and grace that spoke of years
of riding.

"Let's go." Nephrite said and the five began towards the forest.  Serena noticed
that the others all had swords and bows and arrows.

"What exactly are we doing?" Serena asked.

"Riding." Jedeite replied.

"Oh really?" Serena asked in mock surprise. 

"Jedeite." Malachite said sharply before answering Serena's question.  "We are just
riding.  The weaponry is to defend the Prince in case someone stupidly decides to 
try an attack."

"I see." Serena replied before riding closer to Malachite and taking his bow from
where it was hooked on the saddle.  She released her reins and inspected the bow.

"It's nice." She replied, handing it back to him and picking her reins back up.


"The weather is nice today, but it's going to storm in the evening." Zoicite 
called from the back of the group.  Serena glanced up.

"I think it will rain sooner than that." She called over her shoulder.

"Lady Serena, you know how to predict weather?" Nephrite asked her.

"Living on a farm, you learn to anticipate certain things." She replied.

"Is there anything you can't do?" Nephrite asked with a laugh.  Serena smiled.

"Probably not."  

The five continued to ride and soon they came to the edge of a forest.  Malachite
led them into it without a thought.  Serena raised an eyebrow at this and caught 
up to him as soon as possible.

"Malachite, don't you think that these are the perfect conditions for an attack?"
She asked him quietly.

"Don't wory Lady Serena.  No one has dared attack us before.  I doubt they will
now." Malachite told her.  By now they were fairly deep in the forest.  Serena
just nodded and fell back, opening all her senses.  She sat tensely, ready to 
spring into action.  

As they rode even deeper into the forest, Serena glanced around.  Something in one
of the trees caught her eye.  It was a foot.  She followed the foot up to see an 
arrow sticking out of the tree.  She raced her horse forward as the arrow was let 
loose.  Serena flung herself off her horse at the Prince.  Both tumbled to the
ground, but not before the arrow pierced Serena's flesh, just below her right shoulder.

"ATTACK!" The cry rang throughout the forest and bandits began popping up out of no

"Serena!  Serena!" Endymion called as he cradled her gently.  Serena pushed herself up
with her good arm.

"Stay low and get to your horse as soon as you can." She ordered him before attacking 
one of the bandits.  Endymion watched in shock as Serena, injured as she was, fought
for his life.  She quickly disarmed one of the bandits and ran him through with his
own sword.  She turned and slashed through them, faring better than his generals.  
Endymion continued to watch and didn't notice the man sneaking up on his left.  Serena
did.  Again she launched herself at him and took the attack meant for him.  The sword
sliced through her stomach and Serena screamed.  The scream brought Endymion back to
reality.  Quickly he picked up the sword Serena had dropped and killed the bandit.  
Together, he and the generals quickly cut through the band of thiefs, all worried about
Serena as she lay bleeding.

"Get her out of here!" Malachite ordered.  Endymion rushed to her side and picked her 
up.  Nephrite and Zoicite were on either side of him as he mounted his black stallion
and rode from the forest.  They guarded his back, killing the bandits that tried to
go after him.  

Endymion rode through the forest as fast as his hore would carry them.

"Come on Midnight!  Ride!" He encouraged the horse.  Finally he could see it.  The palace
loomed in front of him.  Endymion rode straight to the front gates before jumping off 
with Serena still in his arms.

"I need a healer!" He cried as he ran into the front hall.  There was blood all over
Serena and the front of him.  It dripped onto the white marble hall and pooled under

"Gods what happened?" King Damian asked as he and his wife ran towards their son.
"Are you hurt?"

"There was an ambush.  Help her!" Endymion exclaimed.

"Come this way." Gaia ordered leading her son through the palace.  "Lay her there."

Endymion set the injured Serena down on the narrow bed and stepped back as the palace
healers came in.  They began shouting orders, but it was all a dim mess to Endymion.  He
could only see Serena's pale, pained face.  She had lost consciousness and Endymion felt
terribly guilty.  If only he had paid more attention, or not gone with them, Serena 
wouldn't be lying there, fighting for her life.

"Come Endymion.  There's nothing you can do here." Gaia said as she carefully led her son
from the room.  

"Is she all right?" Malachite asked as the four generals approached their Prince.

"I don't know." Endymion brought his hands to his face.

"What happened out there?" King Damian asked.

"We were riding.  Some bandits ambushed us.  Serena noticed when one of them tried to shoot
me.  She took the arrow, then a sword that was meant for me." Endymion muttered.

"I see." King Damian sat down next to Endymion.  "Its not your fault.  Don't blame yourself

"She's not part of the Royal Guard even!  She's a visitor.  A guest.  How can I not blame
myself?" Endymion cried as he leapt to his feet.  "It's my fauly she's in there, fighting
for her life."

"Endymion please!" Gaia cried.  "Calm down!  Go get some rest, all of you.  Clean up and
sleep a bit.  By the time you come back down, we'll know whether or not Serena will make
it.  In the meantime, I'll go talk to her father."

"No, Mother.  I'll let him know." Endymion turned and left his generals and parents.
When he reached Serena's father's room, he took a deep breath before opening the door.

"Sir?" Endymion asked.

"Prince Endymion.  Please, call me Philip." Her father smiled warmly.  The smile faded
as he noticed the blood that covered the Prince's clothes.

"Sir, there was an accident..." Endymion stepped further into the room.  "We were riding,
and there was an ambush.  Your daughter was the first to notice.  She...  She took an
arrow in the shoulder and a sword on the stomach...."

"Is she all right?" Philip sat up in the bed.  

"She's with the healers now.  We'll know shortly.  I'm so sorry." Endymion told him.  Tears
came to Endymion's eyes and he fell to his knees beside Philip's bed.  "I'm so sorry..."

"Don't worry about it." Philip gently pat Endymion on the hand.  "I know my daughter and
she's as stubborn as her mother.  She'll live through this.  Don't you worry.  Now, you 
should go get some rest after you clean up, all right?"


Endymion woke suddenly and stretched.  He had thought he heard someone calling his name,
but he was alone in his room.  He could see moon was high in the sky and there were 
millions of stars.  He thought back to the day's events and remembered Serena.  

Endymion leapt off his bed and pulled a clean tunic on top of his breeches.  He opened his
door and ran down to the healers room.

"How is she?" He asked of his mother who stood by Serena's bed.  

"Shh...  She's asleep, Endymion.  She's going to be fine." Gaia told him softly.

"Thank God..." Endymion's voice was barely above a whisper.

"You were really worried about her." Gaia said quietly.  "Beyond any other soldier being
hurt in the line of duty."

"I...  She isn't a soldier mother." Endymion replied.

"I realize that." Gaia told him, smiling.  "I think you are in love with her."

"Love?  Mother I barely know her!" Endymion declared.  Gaia just smiled knowingly as she
made her way to the door.  She paused in the doorway.

"The soulmate principle, Endymion." And she was gone.  Endymion sank into the chair next
to Serena's bed and thought about what his mother had said.

'Soulmates.  Mother thinks we are soulmates.  Is it possible?  Do I love her?' Endymion
gazed at Serena as she slept.  'There's no doubt that I find her attractive, but is it...

Serena began to toss in her sleep.

"No..  must protect...  Endy?  Endymion!" She cried out in her sleep.  Endymion quickly 
caught her hand and held it tightly.

"Serena...  Serena I'm here." He told her and gently ran her hand against his rough cheek.
Serena calmed down and settled into a deeper sleep with a final murmur of Endymion.

"Soulmates..." He whispered again, still holding her hand.  Endymion gazed up at the moon
and continued to contemplate the thought.  

'How had mother known?  What makes her think that?  What are the signs of a soulmate bond?
Love at first site, and unprecendented understanding of each other...' His thought trailed
off.  'We had neither of those.  There's no way.'

Even as he completed the thought, the strangest feeling washed over him.  Suddenly he could
hear what Serena was thinking and feel what she was feeling.

"Endymion?  Where are you?" Her thoughts were silvery in his mind.  "Why aren't you here?"

He could feel her anguish and her pain.  She was searching for her.  Searching and 

"Endymion?!" She cried.

"Serena!  Serena I'm here!" He spoke to her mind.

"Endymion?  Is it really you?" She asked him.

"Yes, Serena.  It's me."

"Where have you been?  What took you so long?" She asked him.

"I didn't know..." Endymion told her softly.

"I'm so tired Endymion.  So tired..." She told him.

"The sleep, Serena.  Rest.  I'll be here when you get back." Endymion promised as he felt
Serena slip into the welcoming darkness of sleep.

When he was sure she was deeply asleep, Endymion stood up and went to find his mother.  It 
was true, they were soulmates, and he wanted to know how she knew.

"Mother?  May I speak to you?" He asked as he approached her in the garden.

"Of course darling.  What is it?" She asked, smiling up at her son.

"How did you know?" He asked her, sitting next to her.

"How did I know what?  That you were soulmates?" She asked.  Endymion nodded.  "Endymion,
by all rights Serena should be dead.  That stomach wound on its own should have finished her
off, but something held her here.  Some bond.  It was a very strong bond, that held her to
life, even when death was calling.  There is only one bond that I know of that is strong
enough to hold someone to life."

"How did you know that I was..." Endymion's voice trailed off as he was unsure how to
word his question.

"I sensed something between you two, although I wasn't sure what.  When I figured out she
had a soulmate keeping her alive, it meant the bond had awakened and I was able to give a
name to what I felt between you two." Gaia explained.

"She's my soulmate..." Endymion whispered.  


"Thank you, Mother." Endymion stood up and left the garden.  Unconsciously he made his way
back to Serena's room and slowly opened the door.  He looked in to see that she was awake.

"Endymion..." she whispered sleepily.

"Serena...  How are you feeling?" He asked as he shut the door and sat on the edge of her

"Okay, I guess." She told him.  "You were there...  You kept me here.  You told me not to

"I...  Serena, we're soulmates."

"I know, Endymion." Serena told him, smiling softly.  "You saved me."

"I didn't so anything." Endymion told her, shaking his head.  Serena lifted her hand to his

"Yes, you did.  You were there when death was calling me.  Endymion you told me not to go."
Serena told him as she stroked his cheek.

"I love you Serena." He told her, covering her hand with his own.

"And I love you."


