In the face of challenge




In the face of challenge

In the eye of the storm

Though life is hard to manage

I still go on


In the lure of temptation

My eyes I turn away

Raise my hands

Drop to my knees

And I pray


That Come What May

I will be strong


No matter the weight my soul must bear

I know that God placed me here


No matter the tears that I may shed

I will go on till I get there


No matter the pain that I will find

I’ll pray to the lord for piece of mind


I know his plan is set for me

To be the best that I can be


Because he’s entrusted in me

The key to my destiny


I know that his love will always shine

So long as I live my life divine


I know he would never place on me

A load that way too much for me


To nurture my soul he’s given me

The key to give eternally


As long as I give my soul to thee

I will succeed in every feat


So come what may

I will be strong

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h a i k u


From Africa’s womb

They stole what was not their own

And left her to die

This is just an excerpt.