
What you feel like

Under soft sheets

And low lights


What your lips taste like

Laced with caramel

Dipped in honey… and in me


I wonder

How you feel on your back

And then on my back

And then in, and around me


How your fingers might feel

Tracing the curves in the arch of my back

Your face in my lap... of luxury


I wonder how you taste

How you’d smell drenched in me,

And I drenched in you


Across the room I watch you sip from your glass

I envision your hands on my hips

And your lips… kissing… my ass


I imagine tongues - intertwined

Toes curled

Your front.

My behind.


Sheets in grasp.

Slow and fast.

Screams and moans

No cell phones!


I imagine us being free together

To explore pain through pleasure

The values of hidden treasure

Succumbing to your desire for whatever


I imagine heat

And passion

And lust...

And lust...

And lust!

And us


Breaking all the rules

Covering new ground

Breaking each other down


I imagine….

I imagine….

I imagine …


How you'd steer your vessel, 'Captain'

For it is never the size of the ship,

but the motion, that keeps the ocean flowing

through deep passages.


It’s how you channel your energy.

And I wonder… how you… channel… your…. energy…


Can I perform for you?

Can I do a song, and dance for you?

Put on a show, and prance for you?

In skimpy lingerie, and then none?


I wonder what the moonlight

would look like

on your bare back


How you’d react in the morning…

Would you call me?


I wonder…….

I wonder….

I wonder…


I wonder if you wonder too.

Do you?











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