Maria Inez 
   According to old Yoruba itan, there was no separation between heaven (orun) and Earth (aiye). Human beings and orisha could walk in both, earth and heaven without any poblem, as they  were at the same level.

   Heaven was separated from earth due to a human bad  attitude. Since then human beings who visit heaven cannot return alive.

   The itan says that a human being has touched haven with dirty hands. Very mad Olodumare, the afrikan name for the supreme God,  blew strongly dividing the 2 spaces with its ofurufu (breath). This breath is the air we breath. And this is how the heaven was created.



   Ori means head. Ori is above orisha, as no orisha will attend a request from a person if it has not been allowed by his Ori.

   The itan tells that both Orisha and Ancestors wanted to have the knowledge and power of the Supreme Being (Olodumare). Orisha Exu was sent as a messenger to Olodumare. 
Olodumare csked Ifa to cast the cowries and sent a strong obi (kola nut) to the Orisha, stating that next day they should break that nut, tio show their strength.

   Ori was just a small ball, had no body to stand on, and for this reason nobody respected him. To break the nut, he asked Ifa for advice. Ifa told him to make offers to Odu, and to roll in the street dust for some hours. 

   Next day all Orisha were ready to break the kola nut when Ori arrived, rolloing in the street dust.  All Orisha tried to break the obi, but it was in vain, as the obi was very strong.  The last one was Ori, and the Orisha let him try. Ori jumped and fell over the obi with his weight, and the obi was broken in 6 parts. 

   Olodumare immediately sent a beautifull seat to install Ori. This was the way Ori got a body to stand on. Orisha and Ancestors shouted : ORI APERE!

   From that moment on Ori was really born and received "iwa", the right of existing, given by Olodumare, as a prize for being the only one who succeeded in breaking Obi, the sacred nut.



   After leaving in earth for some time, Orunmila returned to heaven. He put a long rope and climbed up.

   Human beings were lost without Orunmila, as He was the messenger between men and Olodumare's will, consulting the nuts of Ifa Oracle.

   Olokun, God of the Sea, took advantage of the situation and covered almost all the earth, increasing the human problems.

   To help human beings, Olodumare came down again through the same rope, and put everything back in its right place.



   The yorubas tell that Ifa was a god who came from the orun (sky) to inform to humans the will of Orunmila, responsible for the Oracla.

   He had to organize the earth, help in illness and birth, teach the use of medicine and give advice to human beings who asked for it. For this he should use the information given by Odu.

   Ifa travelled through  the earth, stopping and giving advice in several places, until he arrived in Ile Ifé. There he decided to dwell, and there is the place for his worship.

   Ifa knew all languages in the earth,  so he could give advice to men and transmit men's messages to Olodumare. He was also a medicine doctor. His power is up to now told in prayers and songs.