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Prelude, Mr. Paul Krueger, Organist
Opening Prayer
Holy God, most awesome is your friendship, most wondrous is your self-giving.  We come with the sweet-sour mood of Palm Sunday in mind and heart. We come not in spite of the looming shadow of the cross but because of it.  We come praising you for the grief-joy of your Christ, for the loving determination with which he fulfilled his terrible-wonderful mission to seek and save the lost.  We come adding our hosannas to the millions of voices, past and present, who have entered into the liberty which came at such high cost. God of Jesus, we adore you; O give us grace to love your more! Through Christ our Savior.  Amen!
*The Gloria Patri
*Hymn: All Glory, Laud, and Honor
[You may bring your palms forward during this hymn and lay them in the front of the congregation.]
O Lord, like the people along the road to Jerusalem, we sometimes celebrate what we are unsure of and we do not always understand what we see and hear, often missing the messages given us so clearly.  Our faith fails and our behavior comes up short.  Forgive us.  Give us perception and keep us focused on what this approaching week means.  Let us grow in faith and may our actions be the actions You would wish them to be.  In Jesus' name we ask this.  Amen.
*Assurance of Promise
Children's Time -- Pastor Nelson
The Readings of Holy Scripture -- Rev. Roberto Lopez, guest liturgist
Psalm 118:1-2,19-29
      Mark 1:1-11
Choir Anthem                    "Sing Out!"               Phelps
*Hymn: Christ is Made the Sure Foundation
The Message -- "How Shallow Some 'Hosannas'" -- Pastor Lopez
The Pastoral Prayer
The Lord's Prayer [sung]
Receiving of Tithes and Offerings
     *The Doxology
     *The Prayer of Thanksgiving
*Hymn:   Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart

* The Congregation is invited to stand.

Rev. David Nelson, Senior Pastor
Rev. Esteban Lopez, Associate Pastor
Mr. John Johnson-Tyler, Choir Director
Mr. Paul Krueger, Organist
Ms.Susan Elliot, today's liturgist

We are happy to have Rev. Roberto Lopez, the brother of Pastor Esteban Lopez visiting us today.  He is studying at the University of Chicago while on sabbatical leave from his position on the staff of the Protestant Theological College in Leon, Nicaragua and will deliver the sermon in the Spanish language service this afternoon.

Our opening unison prayer was adapted from alphalink.com.au.
There will be a Maundy Thursday service here at 7:00 p.m.

There will be a community Good Friday service from noon to 3:00p.m. at Trinity Lutheran.
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Order of Worship

April 13, 2003 ** Sixth Sunday in Lent ** 10:00 a.m.
Palm Sunday