Phalen Boulevard opening pictures

Our editors use this page to add miscellaneous comments about life in our Capitol City.   Not all of these observations will be on city matters;  they may be on the news of the day other things as fit our fancy, as things fall off our pens.  [Yes, Donald of Merriam Park.  Give us a break.  We know that we are not literally using pens to post here;  it's a metaphor, one which about a dozen or so people in this town will especially relish.  Unfortunately, we don't think any of them read these pages.]  Readers are encouraged to submit their comments to us at  If you do not want them published, please let us know.

We are changing the format a little.  Posts prior to December 1, 2003 are available

This page will now only have the links to other pages.  We hope the headings offer sufficient help for you to find the page[s] you wish to see.  Responses are also being added to the same page[s].  You may contine to respond or otherwise contact us at

2006 postings

January 2005 postings.

5/22/04 Overbite Factor revisted
5/20/04 Booya Brouhaha revisited [sort of] or Who's Running What?
5/19/04 Smoking Bans and the Imposition of Religious Standards
4/29/04  Pictures from Payne/Phalen District Five Annual Meeting of 4/27
4/28/04 Como
Conservatory Dress Policy
District Council observations [from D5 perspective]
Observations on Law and Order -- Gabe's Bar Version [1 response as of 4/16/94]
CVS at Snelling and University

3/29/04 --
Somehow several entries have been removed and we don't seem to find the backup documents.  We are quite certain that it is not the fault of anybody at Yahoo or GeoCities, but instead must be the fault of somebody here at CCC.  We may try to reconstruct some of them later. CSP

Pictures added [Phalen Boulevard opening]
Booya Brouhaha  no attached response yet]
Opening of Western Segment of Phalen Boulevard [1 attached response]
Pawlenty and the Death Penalty[no attached responses yet]