Okie, Now onto some other things. (bet you appriciate the break from all the pink on that last page! ^_^

Other Characters

Usagi's Family

Ikuko-Usagi's Mother, her name was only mentioned once on the Dubs, in SuperS. Hawk eye pronounced it is "Ukuko".
Kenji-Usagi's Father, His name was never mentioned in the dub
Singo-Usagi's Brother, Changed to Sammy


Naru-Usagi's Best Friend, Changed to Molly
Umino-Naru's boyfriend and the school nerd, Changed to Melvin]
Mamoru/Tuxedo Kamen - Changed to Darien/Tuxedo mask in the dub. He's in the other characters simply because I forgot to add him in the official Senshi thing on the last page, I don't deny the fact that he is the earth's guardian.

Places, Items and Mixed up Phrases

Juuban Junior High - In the dubs, was changed to Crossroads junior high because the Kanji for Juuban looks kind of life a crossroads.
10th street - Is the street that Juuban junior high is located on, Naoko Takeuchi lives on a city called "10th street", with all a lot of other rich houses.
The Hikawa Shrine - The temple that Rei hino lives and works at, Dic called it the cherry hill temple, but cloverway went ahead and changed it back to the Hikawa shrine in SuperS, but not in S.

The henshin brooch - Sailor moon's Transformation tool in sailor moon and part of R, it had no real name, it was just called "The locket", which shouldn't be confused with Usagi's star locket that she used to heal the evil Prince Endymion.
The Ginzuishou - In the dub this is called the "Silver crystal" which belongs to the moon princess.
The moon stick - The moon Princess' Wand, Dic called it the cresent moon wand
The Crystal Star - Sailor moon's tranformation tool for most of R, again, called "The locket" by dic.
The cosmic moon heart compact - Sailormoon's henshin tool for S, again, called "The locket".

Make Up - This is part of the henshin phrases that the sailor senshi used to transform. To this day I have not been able to find a real meaning, I suppose that It just activates the tranformation. For example, Usagi Says "Moon Crisis, Make up!" to tranform to Super Sailormoon In S. In the dubs, the phrase "Make-Up", was changed to "tranform". So, Sailor moon yelled "Moon crisis Power, Transform!" In the S dub.

Senshi - It is extremely important to know this term and to be familliar with it. in the original, the sailor warriors were known as the sailor senshi, which is the same thing. Senshi is japanese for Fighter, soldier, warrior, etc. Now, Through most of the dubs, escpecailly with Dic, the senshi were called the lame and incredibly dorky, "Sailor scouts". You have no idea how unbeleivably irritating this term is to the sailor moon jedi.
The occasional time in S and SuperS, the sailor senshi were called the slightly more appropriate "Sailor Soldiers". I remember hearing this term a few times in Sailor moon S, but less in SuperS. The term "senshi" can not be stressed enough. If you are really wanting to get away from the dub, stop using the term "scouts" (sailor moon is not selling cookies!), and call the girls eaither the sailor senshi, the sailor soldiers, or the sailor warriors.

Issues/big changes

The deal with Haruka and Michiru

There is some confusion to the dub fan about the relationship between haruka and michiru. (sailor uranus and sailor neptune.) Naoko herself stated in many interveiws that Sailor Uranus and neptune, are in fact lesbians. It doesn't start out this way though. In japan, it is not uncommon for 16 year old girls to be involved in intensely close relationships with other girls. Haruka's and Michiru's eventually became closer than friends, they became lovers. (and in case you thought that Haruka was a male and female, or a prince in her previous life, stop where you are. Haruka is indeed Female) Cloverway decided that the girls could still be close, but they had to be family--in this case, they were changed to cousins.

A few places to read more:
MoonPrincess.com (go to Ask Ami and look for Haruka and Michiru)
Haruka and Michiu's Picnic

Go to the links section of my site for more links.

Selenity or Serenity?

Often an issue comes up between the names to the moon royal family. In the dub, all of the moon royals as known as "Serenity". The original raises some contraversy. Because there is no definite sound in japanese for the english "L", people kind of assume things. The queen of the moon's name came from the moon goddess selene, whick was changed into selenity, and then for the dub, serenity. Personally, I use the name, Selenity for the entire royal line. Queen Selenity, Princess Selenity, Neo Queen Selenity, Princess Lady Selenity, etc. It's all up to you though, which one you use.

Fish eye, another demeted character?

In the SuperS dub, Fish eye, one of the amazon trio, was changed from a gay male transvestite to a straight female in the change of a voice. In the manga, fish eye wasn't gay, but in the anime, the original, Fish eye was a gay male that wore womens clothes to attract his male victims in. It's just another odd thing that Sailor moon SuperS offered us, go with it.

Dic and Cloverway

Often you will hear things about the companies Dic and Cloverway, like on this and the last page. Dic was the one that started it all. They bought the rights to dub sailor moon and sailor moon R into english. However, when they got their hands on sailor moon, they decided that it needed to be dumbed down for north american children. For some reason, they aimed it at Kids, but to my knowledge, sailor moon was popular amoung teenagers in Japan. People are most steamed at Dic because of the name changes, the script changes, and the HEAVY edits to every single episode. Scene flipping, scene changing, plot changing (for individual eps) and Cuts to the most unique scenes ever thought up. (Their heavy edits to sailor moon's incredible finale are most famous)

Cloverway is the company that bought the rights to dub S and SuperS. Cloverway did far less edits and actually kept some good scenes in tact, with less edits. However, the change to Haruka and Michiru, in some minds, is totally unforgiveable. As I talked about earlier, Haruka and Michiru had probably the cutest relationship in BSSM. Cloverway changed the couple to cousins, but the the homophobic ways of today's society, can you blame them? Cloverway also did some big name changes, but far less han Dic did. Cloverway also did SuperS. SuperS was far less edited, but still painful. Cloverway kept a lot of the original music, moreso in SuperS.