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The Romance of Ranma and 
Critics' Corner

Which moment do you think had Ranma start falling for Akane? Or when Akane started falling for Ranma?

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Entry: 1
Name: Eric/Ranma
I think Ranma liked each other at the start, but didn't start to fall in love with each other until Akane 'caught' Ranma coming out of the tub with nothing on. I think *that* is why she didn't scream right away (that or it was shock.) We don't see proof of the beginning of their love until the day when they go to school and Ranma stands up against Kuno.

Entry: 2
Name: Eva Cheng
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When akane cuts her hair by an accident RANMA STARTS FALLING IN LOVE WITH HER......

Entry: 3
Name: Mnemochan
E-mail Address: Kioku_knight@hotmail.comk
Ok! *pushes up sleeves with determination* My view is that Ranma started falling for Akane pretty early. If i had to guess, i'd say with him it was love at (almost) first sight. I think about when he and Akane first met, and she asked him if he (well, she at the moment) wanted to be friends. Ranma had been very lonely on the road before, so that's probably what did it. Of course, i don't think he realizes it until much later. My reasoning is, he didn't start thinking about Akane as really _his_ fiancee until somewhere around his first few fights with Kuno and for sure during the whole Dr. Tofu thing (in the first manga). He's _definitely_ feeling something for her during that one scene in the first manga where he's watching her play baseball/softball (in English that chapter's called "Because There's a Girl He Likes"). Doesn't he seem a bit sullen as he comments that Akane already likes someone?

Although i think Ranma fell for Akane at (almost) first sight, I think that it took a bit later for Akane to start to have feelings for Ranma. I mean, she thought he was a sex-changing pervert, right? However, when they're not at odds (which isn't too often), she settles into a sort of friendly, companionable relationship with him. At first she doesn't want to really think of him as her fiancee. I think she falls in love with him more gradually, as the series progresses. She starts to realize those feelings somewhere around the gymnastics competition with Kodachi and the Charlotte Cup, in my opinion. Maybe a bit earlier, but i think those two are the first major turning points for her.

Entry: 4
Name: Ryuuzaki Kei
E-mail Address: bailuli@hotmail.comk
Comments: here's a toughie...well, for Ranma, I would say it would be pretty early. In fact, I think it was the part in the beginning where Akane was offering Onna-Ranma her friendship! Of course, he probably wouldn't have realized it until later. I would say probably about the part where he got a baseball on his cheek, and where Akane told him about Kasumi and Dr. Tofu. Remember how he tried to cheer her up? ^_^

As for Akane, well, I think it took actually quite a while for her to realize it. I think the part where Ranma tried to cheer her up (after she told him about Kasumi and Tofu, see above) and said that she looked cute when she smile, that was when she first realized that she actually care for him. Or at least, she values his opinion about herself. I progressed from there, and the competition with Kodachi and the fight over the Charlette Cup, those were the true turning point for her and her feelings for Ranma.




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