Friends Poems

A Cherished Friend

Sometimes my friend comes unexpectedly
Sometimes at the appointed hour
Sometimes I search, but cannot find
Sometimes my friend finds me
When I do not want to be found

We share dreams
We share nightmares
We share what has happened
We share what will come
We share what could have been

Ideas, thoughts and feelings
Exchange freely between us
Sometimes easy to comprehend
Other times like buried treasure
Waiting to be uncovered

Without my friend, I am lost
Wandering in search of
Through the forest, desert and the cities
I search for my most cherished friend
We embrace when found

Forever passing each other in the night
Intrinsically intertwined
Without one means death
Without the other means nothing


An Honest Friend

I have a friend who tells it like it is
With total honesty
No white lies
Nothing but the truth
Without fear of breaking our friendship

My friend points out my limitations
Though I do not want to hear
How does my friend know?
With open eyes, mind and heart

When my cherished friend and my honest friend
Together visit me
I cannot do anything
But listen to them at hours at end
I have no choice
They will be here a while
They will leave when they are ready

Without my honest friend
I am invincible
The ultimate lie


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