Welcome to Joni's  World on the Web

I have several interesting pages for you to visit .....some are mine, and some of them are my sister's creations.  There are even two great pages built by my neices who are only 11 & 12 years old.

I also have some links scattered about which are my favourites, and if you enjoy my pages, you will also enjoy those links.  Whenever I have used graphics belonging to someone else, I have included either their banner, with a link back to their site, or I have made a link to their site.

My Favourites Include: 

Crocket's Page

One of my favourite sites......visit , you'll be glad you did.......

My Homepage

my Faeries

Laurel's Page

To Visit Margies Angels

The Horning Ancestors

Do you believe in fairies? 

They are out there you know, they are playful little creatures
and they love cake.

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