Sailor ChibiMoon

Civilian Name: Tsukino Usagi (Chibiusa)
English Translation: Little Rabbit of the Moon
Gender: Female

Physical Characteristics
Height: 3-4 feet
Eyes: Maroon

Chibiusa wears her hair in two ponytails, in a variation of her mother's odango style. She also has odangos that are shaped like rabbit ears.

Birthday: June 30
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Age: 7-11
Blood Type: O
Build: Plump, Average and Unremarkable, Average Strength
Unique Physical Traits: Chibiusa's bright pink hair and her very young age set her apart.
Sailor Senshi Characteristics
Sailor Title: Sailor ChibiMoon
Sailor Colors: Pale Pink, Red and White
Sailor Fuku: ChibiMoon has a fuku that looks just like a miniature version of the other senshi's, but features the colors pink and red.
Realm of Influence: Soul, with powers coming from Innocence
Transformation Phrase: Usually her phrases are an echo of her mother's.
Transformation Object: Her own transformation locket, containing the Ginzuishou of the 30th Century.
Pink Moon Stick: A little moon wand with a heart shaped jewel that she uses with her Pink Sugar attack.
Crystal Carillion: A bell with a heart shaped handle that Pegasus gives her, enabling her to call on his power.
Pink Sugar Heart Attack: Her wand exudes a stream of hearts that spank her enemies.
Twinkle Yell: She uses the carillion to call Pegasus, who comes and allows Sailor Moon and her to power up their attacks.
Personal Characteristics
Place of Origin: Tokyo, Japan (30th Century)
Favorite Food: Blueberry pancakes, chocolate cake, ice cream, curried chicken
Least Favorite Food: Carrots
Favorite School Subject: Art
Least Favorite School Subject: Japanese/Language
Future Goals and Dream: To grow up and be a Sailor Senshi and be a Lady
Strengths: Recieving gifts, being cheerful, encouraging her friends
Weaknesses: Needles, thunderstorms, sweets
Hobbies: Collecting Rabbit trinkets, teasing Usagi
Family Life: Chibiusa is the daughter of Usagi and Mamoru in the future. She returns to the past in order to learn to be a Senshi, and lives for a while with Usagi as her "little sister." Usagi and Chibiusa are constantly bickering and fighting for Mamoru's attention.
How this character became a Sailor Senshi: Neo-Queen Serenity sent her back into the past to learn from her past self how to be a Senshi.

Sailor ChibiMoon, in many ways, is a carbon copy of her mother. Both are very friendly and outgoing, are easily distracted, love food and cute animals, and react in much the same way in most situations. The two are constantly competing with one another for Tuxedo Kamen's attention, and always arguing, but if anyone should attack the other... watch out! Mother and daughter are fiercely protective of one another, though neither would readily admit it.

ChibiMoon is your typical energetic little girl; curious, brave, enthusiastic, and helpful. But she also, at times, displays an unusual maturity and wisdom beyond her years that leaves her future parents and the other Senshi baffled. She loves people, and is very devoted to her friends, even putting her own life on the line to save Sailor Saturn from the three Senshi who wanted to destroy her. Sailor ChibiMoon is a highly imaginative, intuitive and sensitive child, and she has no qualms with falling in love with a Pegasus or living with her future parents.

Other Important Details:

She is destined to love and marry one of Prince Endymion's loyal followers, a boy priest of the world of human dreams by the name of Helios. Helios has the ability to enter the human world in the form of a Pegasus, and he is the guardian of Illusion, the world of dreams. Sailor ChibiMoon and Helios will always only have one child, a daughter, who will grow to be Sailor Moon.

ChibiMoon can often behave like any spoiled child, and be selfish about petty things, but when it comes to the things that are important, like the happiness of her family and friends, no one could be more generous. ChibiMoon and Sailor Moon are very close, though they would never admit it, and either of them would be willing to die for the other.
