16 Questions for Christians

If any Christians pass by this page I would really welcome answers to the questions posed below.


Have any of your prayers ever, in actuality, been answered?

Is every single word written in your bible factual, truthful and unambiguous?

If Mohammed, Allah's prophet, came down to earth tomorrow, would you remain a Christian?

What are your chances of getting into heaven?

Why do you think is it impossible to prove anything whatsoever of a supernatural nature?

Is it possible that the devout Catholic, Adolph Hitler, could be in heaven if he had truly repented prior to his death?

Where was your soul prior to your conception?

To what sorts of depravity would you descend if it were proved there was no god?

Why doesn't your god show him/herself anymore?

When do you think Christ will come back to earth?

Why was little or no faith needed to believe in god during Old Testament times (god appeared to humans regularly) yet today christians have to rely on 100% faith for their belief?

How would you prove that your god exists - without using arguments that someone from another religion would use to prove their god exists, and without reference to the Bible?

What is the difference between a dream, or hallucination, and a vision from God?

Why is your god the only valid god?

By what method do you determine the difference between the voice of God, and the voice of the Devil pretending to be God?

If Christ did come back to earth, what would be your minimum requirement for proof of his authenticity?



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