Martin J Burn's XG Midi Page


On this page you will find a few XG midi files that I must confess to creating and a few that I have arranged. I would gladly welcome critisism of my original works and arranging technique.

The files contained on this page may be freely downloaded and used, but please acknowledge myself, Martin J Burn as the composer/arranger.



Equipment used:

Pentium II P400

Encore for Windows
Soundblaster Live! Cakewalk Professional
Yamaha MU50 Headphones/speakers etc.
Yamaha MU128 Coffee, tea and ciggies
Soundcraft Spirit Folio 10/2 Acute insomnia

In the following sections 'left-click' on the hyperlink to listen to the midi file or 'right-click' and use 'Save Target As...' to download/save the midi file. The Yamaha Softsynth and/or Midplug plug-in(s) may be required to listen to these files - via this page - and can be obtained here or here.

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Martin Burn's Original XG midi files:

* This file requires more than the normal 16 midi channels. Consequently it will (probably) not sound too good if played via this page.

^ These files sound passable on an MU128 if the module is switched to the MU basic map. (mode button - system - switch maps)


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