Disclaimer: See Part 1 A M B I G U I T Y (5/8) byMissy missy@lexicon.net MONTMORENCY, NEW YORK 5.03 P.M. Mulder and Scully took in the scene of the accident as they walked from their parked car which Mulder had pulled off onto the dirt siding of the winding bitumen road. Tall evergreen pines were gracefully bending to the gentle breeze blowing over the mountain range, the tranquillity of the area disturbed by the clambering of footfalls manoeuvring their way down the treacherous mountainside to the site of a car perched precariously on its side against one of the towering trees. Sheriff Davidson stood on the edge of the ravine overseeing the work being performed by his men calling out instructions whenever he felt it was warranted. "Sheriff Davidson" Mulder said as they stood beside him looking at the irreparable damage which had been caused to the impeccable motor vehicle which they had both seen earlier that day. Sheriff Davidson acknowledged their presence with a nod, his grim face indicating the task at hand. "When we found your card, I thought you may be interested in seeing the sight of the accident although they are probably not linked. It would appear that she was going too fast and lost control of her vehicle coming around the hairpin bend shooting over the edge." The threesome walked towards the missing guardrail where the car had gone over the edge into the tree covered ravine. Mulder squatted down peering at the tyre tracks that led from the road into the dirt siding. "Photographs have been taken of these tracks, haven't they?" Mulder asked. Sheriff Davidson nodded his head "Yeah, the forensics guys have done up here and are now down at the car." Sheriff Davidson went back towards the edge of the ravine in answer to a call by one of his men where they were attempting to bring up the body of Marissa Jordan. Scully looked back up the road noting the direction of marks. "Mulder, there are no skid marks indicating that she has applied the brakes. It's as if she just drove over the edge." "Maybe not. Have a look at this." Mulder said quietly to Scully as he indicated a dark patch on the dirt. He got down on his haunches pulling a small scraper out of his pocket and picked up a sample placing it in an evidence bag. Scully bend down over him taking a closer look at the sample on the ground. "What do you think it is?" Mulder scraped his finger over the surface of the remaining patch, rubbing it between his fingers before lifting them to his nose. "By the smell, it's a type of oil. My guess is that it is possibly brake fluid which would explain why there is no sign of her having braked at all." Scully and Mulder eyed the slow progress of the rescue team in working the stretcher up the steep ascent, the body enclosed in the black body bag. "Scully, I think it might be an idea if you do this autopsy." Mulder proceeded over to where the medical examiner was awaiting the retrieval of the body and discussed the merits of Scully performing the autopsy. At first the medical examiner argued with him not appreciating his *turf* being invaded, especially by a woman his looks towards Scully indicating his disdain, but finally conceded when Mulder flexed his federal jurisdiction in the case. "Alright Scully, it's off to the M.E.'s office for you with an all expense paid trip courtesy of the county medical examiner." Mulder flippantly told Scully noting her disapproval at his flexing of FBI muscle especially on her behalf "And just when I thought you may have learnt something in the time we have been together, you disappoint me Mulder." Scully said shaking her head referring to his earlier diplomatic status with Sheriff Davidson. She had noticed that the M.E. was not very impressed with the idea of her performing the autopsy and did not now appreciate having to bear the brunt of such disapproval. Scully went to the car to get her briefcase and laptop before heading towards the M.E.'s car. Mulder called out to her "I'll be over at the M.E.'s office in about an hour." Scully looked around at him puzzled and came back to face him "And what, may I ask, are you going to do in the meantime?" Scully was not angry but knew it was better to keep him in line by forcing his hand and knowing *what* he was doing rather than waiting around for the results to reveal themselves. "I'm going to have the mechanic go over the vehicle and see what caused the accident." MEDICAL EXAMINER'S OFFICE 5.46 P.M. Scully prepared herself for a second time that day to perform an autopsy although this one was at least up her alley of expertise. She was clad in hospital greens and a white lab coat as she deftly removed the bandage surrounding her stitches again. She looked at the puckered skin idly wondering what effect the powdered latex gloves and cleansing was going to have on the healing process. Entering the autopsy room, the body of Marissa Jordan was laid out beneath a white sheet with a cart complete with the tools of her trade set beside the stainless steel table in readiness for her. Scully pulled down the microphone set centrally above the table to ensure clear dictation of her findings and began her recitation of the facts. "The subject is a Caucasian female aged in her mid forties. There is multiple bruising and lacerations to the head, chest and abdomen. Deep lacerations to the upper left arm. Both lower legs have been crushed. These injuries are consistent with the trauma received as a result of a car accident. No evidence of prior trauma." Scully made the Y-incision, her professionalism pushing aside the thought that just a few hours ago she had been talking with this woman. "Seven ribs are broken although none have pierced any of the internal organs. The heart and lungs are in good condition with no evidence of disease. The spleen and liver are both ruptured." Scully continued with her assessment of the damage to Marissa which all led to her belief that she had died from internal bleeding as a result of the car accident. She collected the usual blood, tissue and vitreous fluid samples as well as retaining blood samples for DNA testing just in case. Her examination of the skull was what yielded her prize result although it had her confused and flabbergasted. As she was completing her removal of samples from the brain, she noted a discoloration of the skin at the base of her neck. Scully shook her head believing her eyes were playing games. Yet when she got closer she noted the scar on the back of her neck similar to her own. Opening the skin concealing the small computer chip which she delicately removed placing in a small vial tucking the evidence in her lab coat. Her face tightened in resolve. This was definitely not going to be lost, stolen or misplaced - not if she could help it. Scully completed the autopsy and made sure that she had double samples of brain tissue, blood samples etc. She labelled all the vials and test tubes in two separate FedEx satchels clearly labelling them. To the second one, she added the vial containing the computer chip and made the arrangements herself for them to be delivered. With this task accomplished, she let the attendant know that she was finished, got changed and waited for Mulder to arrive. CLANCY'S AUTO & PANEL REPAIRS 6.42 P.M. Mulder had followed slowly at the rear of the broken and beaten up Honda trailing behind the white tow-truck emblazoned with 'Clancy's Auto Repairs'. After Scully had left he had questioned several of the Sheriff's men who were first on the scene. The had stated that Marissa was dead on their arrival at the accident and that it had been reported by a local resident walking to town. When Mulder had spoken with the spritely old man, he had gained no further insight into the cause of the accident. The man had not seen or heard it but when he caught sight of a rare bird for the area, he had stumbled upon the accident site. Now he waited in the small office for the results of the mechanics investigations of the wrecked vehicle. Clancy, a beefy jovial man, had not been impressed when asked to forego his evening meal in favour of the examination of the car. After a polite discussion with Mulder as to the urgency of the matter and a flex *again* of the FBI muscle, he ensured a rapid and thorough investigation of the now not so sporty Honda. Just as Clancy rolled out from underneath the well lit chassis of the car, Mulder's cel phone beeped to life. "Mulder" "It's me. Where are you?" Scully inquired. "I'm still at the auto shop. I think Clancy is just finishing up right about now." Mulder replied. "How about you?" "I've completed the autopsy and FedExed the samples through to Agent Reiss at the New York office. Mulder, there is something else I found but I want to speak to you in person. How long are you going to be?" "Hold on a moment, I'll find out." Mulder called out to Clancy "Are you finished?" "Just about." was the gravely gruff reply as the large man stood pocketing the greasy rag in the back pocket of his navy overalls. "Scully, I should be there in about fifteen minutes." "Okay. I'll meet you out front." - o O o O o O o - Mulder cut their connection and went out to Clancy. "What did you find?" "Engine was in immaculate condition, the whole system under the hood was impeccably kept." Clancy appeared to be amazed by this revelation. "What about the brakes?" Mulder asked impatiently. "Well. that's the funny thing. The brake pads were so worn as to be stripping the bearings. In a car in such excellent condition is utter madness. To take care of an engine yet fail to maintain basically your lifeline to the road." Clancy grimaced and continued "But the brake lines had been cut." He pulled out a piece of rubber tubing to show Mulder. "See this, that's a clear cut caused by a knife. There is no way that sort of a break can be created any other way." Mulder succinctly thanked Clancy for his time, pulling his car keys from his pocket as he left the garage. MEDICAL EXAMINER'S OFFICE 6.54 P.M. Scully sat, idly flicking through the out-of-date women's magazines set on the low coffee table, in the small reception area at the front of the concrete monolith structure with large windows facing out to the main street. She waited patiently for Mulder to appear, every now and again glancing out the windows to see if his car had pulled up at the kerb. Scully's cell phone rang. "Scully." she answered succinctly. "Agent Scully, you would be well advised to leave this matter alone and return to Washington." "Who is this?" Scully had a good idea and knew she would not get an answer but habits did not change easily and acceptance even less so. "You will need to watch your back if you pursue this matter further." The connection was broken. Scully looked at her phone troubled as she also cut the connection. The warning had her looking out the window of the M.E.'s office and it was then that she first noticed *them*. A sleek black car sitting at the far kerb opposite the building and several cars down. Even though the car did stand out from those around it, it was not its appearance that caught her attention as the occupants. The four ominous dark shapes reminded her clearly of what had occurred in New Mexico and subsequent events. Scully took stock of the situation and pulled out her cel phone pressing the familiar speed dial button. "Mulder" "Mulder, it's me." Scully said quietly. "Listen to me. Do *not* come to the ME's office. There's a car out front and I am pretty sure they're waiting for us." "Scully, I can't leave you there." Mulder said plainly worried by the implications of the situation. "Meet me two streets before Main Street heading west. I just have to find a back way out without them noticing. Give me fifteen minutes." Mulder flicked through a map of the local area and confirmed the name of the corner of the street they were to meet on and finished by telling her to be careful. Scully went up to the reception desk and informed the night security officer that she was going to the ladies room and that her partner would be arriving shortly and to ask him to wait for her. He indicated that it would be no problem and continued with his reading of his action packed novel, something which he did not see in the Ithaca Medical Examiner's Office. She was glad that he did not comment on the fact that she was taking her briefcase and laptop with her. Scully stole a glance out of the window back at the black sedan, her eyes widening as she saw that the three men had left the car and were coming towards the office. - o O o O o O o - The driver of the black sedan noticed the second glance that Scully made in their direction realising that the FBI Agent was aware of their presence. He gained the attention of the other occupants of the car and the other three emerged from the dark sedan towards the government building. As they entered the building, the men dressed in dark suits walked with long-legged strides past the desk heading towards the elevators of which one the door had just shut but the guard at the desk was not as lacksidasical as they would have liked and halted them with his strident voice. "Identification, gentleman." he said authoritatively. All the men stopped in their tracks, returning to where the guard stood searching their pockets for identification. However, the identification pulled out was not that which the guard was looking for and the neat round hole in his forehead ceased any further action by him. They dragged the guard behind his desk out of sight and locking the front door to any instrusion by the public. Now they ran down the hall, one of the men stopping at the elevator noting that it had stopped at the fourth floor and seemed to be remaining there before entering the stairwell and running up to the fourth floor, their guns drawn discreetly at their sides. The fluorescent lit hallway and the linoleum floor reflected the shadowy images of the men making their way down the hallway methodically searching the various laboratories which seemed to be devoid of human occupancy. One of the men pulled out a cellular phone dialling to his superior in Washington D.C. who was not be impressed that four of his men *could not* keep track of one small *female* FBI Agent without any mode of transport. MEDICAL EXAMINER'S OFFICE Scully made sure she intimated for the security cameras that she was going to the ladies room then quickly made a detour for the emergency exit stairs leading to the docking bay which received all in-coming corpses. As a safety measure as she passed the elevators, she slipped in quickly to send one up to the fourth floor, also pressing the button to keep the doors open for just those few seconds longer giving herself time to leave by the stairs before the doors could shut. She did not use the elevator due to the security cameras installed but used it as a hopeful diversion to her actual destination and the telltale bell disclosing the arrival and departure of the elevator. Scully opened the stairwell door acutely aware of the fact that there would also be a security guard in this area ready for any new arrivals and removed her shoes making her progress quiet. She need not have been too worried as the guard's concentration was taken with the task of lighting his cigarette with a faulty lighter and she managed to slip past him and out the roller door entrance without a hitch. The afternoon ride in the coroner's car was now having its advantages as she was fully aware of her surroundings and the layout of the streets. Quickly slipping back on her shoes, she merged into the shadows created by the trees and buildings and made her way stealthily up the back laneway which ran parallel to the main street. SMOKE FILLED ROOM WASHINGTON D.C. "Gentleman, it seems that Agent Scully has managed to evade us again." The cigarette smoking man was not happy at having to yet again disclose such incompetence on behalf of his men but his demeanour did not reveal his discomfort in the face of such disclosure. "I would suggest that it is time for us to take our second course of action." commented an elegantly dressed white haired gentleman The other gentleman nodded in agreement. MONTMORENCY Scully's progress was not hampered by any unforseen forces and she blended in with the late shift workers heading home after completing their day's work. She rounded the corner to their planned destination just as Mulder pulled up the car and Scully hopped in. "I haven't been followed but they had figured out that I knew they were outside." Scully's voice was a bit higher pitched than usual indicating how the presence of the men had unnerved her as she placed her briefcase and laptop on the backseat. Mulder looked at Scully, worry masking his face before he turned to their current situation. His eyes scanned the area and checked the rearview mirror ensuring that Scully had not been followed. He trusted Scully when she said that she had not been followed but wanted to ensure that there was not another car in the vicinity just waiting to ambush the two of them. "Where can we go?" Scully asked, her blue eyes troubled realising that again they were out on their own. To involve others only risked their lives as well as their own. "I'm not sure yet. There's a map in the glove box. We will stop at a diner, pick up something to eat and decide which way we should go." Mulder stated matter-of-factly. "What did the autopsy show?" "Well, the damage sustained to the internal organs indicate that Marissa died as a result of the car accident." "You rang me, Scully. What's the matter?" Mulder was finding it difficult to keep his eyes on the road as he drove out of the township of Montmorency, all the while keeping watch for their intended captors as well as worrying about what was troubliiing Scully so much. He glanced over at her noticing how cloudy her normally clear blue eyes were as she ran a finger over the top of the stitches holding together the ragged line running over the back of her hand. "Scully" he said in an inquiring tone which held just a touch of warning to it. She looked ahead took a deep breath and steadily told Mulder about the computer chip she had found. Now Mulder could understand the reason for her distress. The one which had been removed from her neck had been destroyed by the tests conducted on it thus leaving them once again with no proof of a government conspiracy. "Have you got it with you?" "No. I FedExed all the samples to Agent Reid." "What? Scully you should know by now that if they had followed you to the ME's office that they will be able to trace to whom you sent it." "I know Mulder. That is why I also did duplicate samples and sent them to the Lone Gunmen together with the computer chip. *They* will not be expecting me to be sending off two lots of samples." Mulder glanced sideways at Scully, a look of amazement flittering across his face. "You sent them to the guys?" he asked incredulously. "Well Mulder, they are definitely not going to *loose* them, are they?" Mulder nodded still too shocked with her disclosure to think of an appropriate remark. Their discussion ceased, leaving each of them to their own diverse thoughts on the case as they travelled down back roads to the next township. Mulder pulled into a gas station with a small diner attached. They found a secluded table where they would talk without much fear of being overheard. They had given their orders for dinner as they walked in so they knew they were alone for at least ten to fifteen minutes. "Scully" "Mulder" They both began at the same time, their eyes searching the depth of the other's to find meaning to the fragments of information that had been disclosed. Scully indicated for Mulder to continue. "Scully, we've got to work together on this. We can't go our own separate ways. It's been proven before that when they segregate us, cut us off from each other, they win. I know I have tried to protect you by doing it in the past and it wasn't because I doubted your abilities, you've proven them time and time again. But Scully, this time, the implant you found will make you vulnerable and it is very tempting to not want to involve someone who you feel doesn't understand." Mulder's voice was soft and gentle. Scully had been playing with the salt container between her hands as he spoke. Mulder stilled them with his own, the warmth and commitment he felt towards his partner radiating through them to her. She looked up into his eyes, slowly nodding and he noted that her eyes were clearer now and not the deep murky gray from when they were in the car. "Mulder, I won't shut you out." Scully withdrew her hands from within his as a waitress came over with the drinks they had ordered informing them that their dinner would be ready in five minutes. Scully asked where the bathroom was and excused herself. Mulder watched as his diminuitive partner made her way to the back of the small diner noting the differences in her projection of her character when facing the devil reincarnate in comparison to the small shape she had seemed beside him in the car. He noted how the strength and confidence had returned to her composure when she returned just as their meal was placed before them. They ate in companionable silence enjoying their dinner, each of them tyring to put the events of the day into perspective. They were just finishing their coffee as Mulder brought up the issue of accommodation. "But where Mulder? If we go into a motel, they will be able to track us." "I've thought about that. Do you have any family up this way?" "Mulder, I don't want to involve any of my family." Her eyes shadowed as she remembered the death of her older sister. Mulder could have kicked himself for that remark. Scully's guilt once again had created an impenetrable wall around her emotions and one which Mulder found had affected their companionable working relationship. "Scully, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have even asked. Come on, let's go." He stood up, pulling his wallet out of his pocket, placing bills to cover their meals and coffee together with a tip for the waitress. Scully slipped into her overcoat and followed Mulder out of the diner. Scully had offered to drive but Mulder had pointed out that it was about time that she gave her hand some rest. and had rebandaged the wound which had been aggravated by the latex gloves used for the autopsies. Mulder made a quick call to the Lone Gunmen asking for any suitable accommodation in the district. Langley came up with a vacant cabin in the mountains in Montmorency close to the site of where Marissa Jordan had met her untimely death. He gave Mulder an address at which they would be able to retrieve the keys. Mulder tried getting details of who owned the property but didn't even get to the end of his question when he gave up realising that the Lone Gunmen would never disclose their sources. Scully closed her eyes to the bright glare of the headlights of on-coming cars and quickly fell into a restless sleep. Mulder looked over at the sleeping form of his partner and was glad that she was finally able to get some rest He settled in for the hour drive to the mountains at Montmorency. MONTMORENCY PUB 8.59 P.M. Mulder pulled the car into one of the parallel parking bays outside the local pub which had been restored in a cream color with green facade adorning its facias regaling a glory from a previous era. As he turned off the engine, Scully's eyes blinked open, accustoming to the darkness of the night and immediately became aware of her surroundings. "Stay here, Scully. I'll just get the key." Scully nodded in acknowledgement, settling comfortably in the seat and working at the crick in her neck created by her short nap. It only took Mulder two minutes before he was once again starting the car and heading in a northerly direction towards the mountain range. He was pleased with the fact that the Lone Gunmen had ensured that where the property was located, there were several access roads even though some were quite desolate of traffic. He manoeuvred the car down a dirt track littered with potholes which were impossible to avoid jarring their bodies to the core. As Mulder edged the car slowly down the beaten old track, the large evergreen trees opened into a wide clearing revealling a weathered log cabin They both exited from the car, claiming their briefcases and Scully's laptop and trunched their way to the front door which opened freely under the key. They walked into a room containing a three seater couch, strategically placed in front of the hearth to obtain maximum warmth produced by the fire, accompanied by two comfortable armchairs. A round pine kitchen table with four chairs was set behind the couch leading to a kitchen. Mulder and Scully placed their briefcases on the floor, Scully appreciating the country decor which was so homely after the impersonal rooms they got at hotels. She went off to the right of the lounge area locating two bedrooms each containing a double bed with an ensuite attached. She heard Mulder's whistle of amazement and followed the sound of his muttering to the room located to the right of the lounge area. As she entered she could understand Mulder's astonishment. The single room itself was the size of the two bedrooms combined and was a haven for any technological wizard containing wall to wall up-to-date computer hardware, fax machines, modems, listening devices and the list just went on. "The guys wouldn't tell you who this cabin belonged to." It wasn't a question but a statement that Scully made. Looking at the massive equipment contained in this room Mulder could understand their lack of disclosure. Even within the group of The Lone Gunmen quite a number of the members went under either assumed names or nicknames protecting their identities. Mulder mused over how many people provided him with information over time but for whom he had yet to know of their true identity as well as their motives. Scully had fetched her computer and hooked it up for ready for use. "Mulder, could you check with Langley and see whether he has received the package I FedExed them? I'll check and see if Agent Reid is still in." Mulder nodded his head and pulled out his cel phone remembering that he could not use the speed dial due to being in another State. "Lone Gunmen" "Langley, Mulder." "Hi, Mulder. You can let Scully know we just received her package and are arranging for the analysis to be completed tonight. We'll call and let you know. You have any trouble with the cabin?" "No. It's clean and all *I* know is that none of you guys furnished this with the exception of one room. What are you guys up to with this sort of equipment here?" "Mulder, the Government has its secrets and so do we. It's the only way to compete and keep them in line." Byers replied succinctly which confirmed Mulder's view that he was on speaker. Mulder knew when to give up on such a conversation and just muttered a word of thanks for the cabin and that they would be waiting to hear from them before cutting off the connection. Mulder had wanted to finish the call quickly in any case. While he had been contacting the Gunmen, Scully had been going to call Agent Reid. During his short call, Mulder had noticed how Scully had visibly paled at the revelations her call was providing her with. He tried to follow the last of the call but with Scully only uttering monosyllables, it made it difficult on his part. End Part 5/8