2nd Annual Women's Division Amateur Elimination Tournament
First Round

With the popularity of the FFF wrestling federation at an all time high, the management continued to attempt to upgrade their talent by replacing the least popular female wrestlers from their roster with new talent. As a result, they hosted the second annual Amateur Elimination Tournament, where newcomers would have the opportunity to earn a permanent spot on the talent roster by first defeating the other amateurs, and then eliminating one of the existing professionals and taking their place as a wrestler for the FFF.

As with the year before, the response was overwhelming, so auditions were held and the field of applicants whittled down to 7 contenders in the Women’s Division, and another 4 for the Veteran’s Division. The 11 finalists who had earned their right to appear on the show each gradually began to filter into the FFF arena, the hopefuls all herded into one locker room, while 6 endangered pros; 3 from each division; were housed in the locker room next to it.

Each of the hopefuls gradually walked into the room, 3 of them having competed as amateurs the year before, though each unsuccessful in their quest. Another 1 of the 11 was actually a former FFF professional wrestler in the Women’s Division, eliminated in the tournament the previous year. Devastated by the loss, she dedicated herself to returning to the ring, although now fighting for a spot on the Veteran’s Division roster. But this night gave them a second chance and all 4 savored the opportunity to take advantage of it. So as all of the 11 women entered, they immediately began to appraise their competition, each of them reacting in their own unique manner. Some were quiet and reserved, perhaps intimidated by the sight of their competitors; while others displayed a distinct level of confidence, some bordering on arrogance as they smirked at the others, vying for a psychological advantage. The one common factor was that each of them wanted to return to that locker room at the end of the night, knowing that they had been successful, earning the right to embark on a new chapter in their life, that as a professional, lady wrestler. Accordingly, the room was infused with a distinct level of excitement which was not the case however in the room next door.

Realizing that this could be the night when their wrestling careers came to an end, all 6 of the pros entered the room with much less enthusiasm. They knew what had happened the year before, where 2 pros were eliminated; 1 from each division; and were very well aware of the consequences of losing. In fact, 4 of them had been there before and survived, none for them happy about returning to the tournament, and the potential of being eliminated.

The tension in each room was thick as each of the women went about their preparations, but once everyone was suited up and ready to wrestle, the event got underway as the attention turned to the inside of the arena. The announcer climbed up into the ring, the capacity crowd’s attention turning to him as they cheered wildly in anticipation. Just then the 3 pros from the Women’s Division were called from their locker room and escorted down to seats at ringside. Once they settled in, the announcer began to speak.

“Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to our Second Annual Amateur Elimination Tournament. We have searched high and low to find the best wrestling talent available, and tonight we present to you 11 women who will be vying for the opportunity to become FFF professional wrestlers. But before I introduce them to you, let me first draw your attention to some …… let’s call them ….. interested parties. From our Women’s Division, seated in the first row of the ring to my left .... Please welcome .......... SHAMIQUA ........... MOLLY ......... and ......... FLORA!”

Shamiqua gave half-hearted wave while Molly stood and bowed, Flora remaining slumped in her seat with an angry scowl on her face. But as the cheers died down, the announcer resumed.

““And now for our competitors. First off, vying for a spot in our Women’s Division ... she is 23 years of age, stands 5 foot 4 inches tall and weighs 120 pounds ... Please welcome ... JADE!”

As the crowd applauded, the seductive Jade scampered toward the ring, pausing to provide the cheering fans with several short provocative dances along the way. Wearing a skimpy black, vinyl bikini, a pair of fishnet stockings and a dangling belly ring from her navel, the Thai native had a sinister smile stretched across her pretty face as she enjoyed the adulation. A former kick boxer and extreme cage fighter in her native Thailand, Jade had come to America a couple of years ago, making a living as a part time model and part time bar maid. But her passion was fighting, and with the opportunity to earn a living as a professional wrestler, Jade jumped at the chance. With her long, black hair flowing behind her as she trotted forward, her fishnet stockings wrapped around her shapely legs and her tight outfit hugging her curves, Jade was clearly a crowd favorite as they showered her with applause.

Reaching ringside, she did yet another sexy dance, this time directly in front of the 6 professional wrestlers seated in the front row, earning her some angry glares. Several of the male fans at ringside whistled at her, Jade turning to flaunt her curves to them. Two middle aged men in particular seemed to enjoy the show, and Jade openly flirted with them as the announcer continued with the introductions.

“Next ... At 37 years of age, standing 5 foot 7 inches tall and weighing 162 pounds ... Please welcome ...CATHI!”

With the applause continuing, Cathi entered the arena, though it was clear that she was as opposite to the flamboyant Jade as a woman could get. Clad in a modest, navy blue leotard and a pair of black sneakers, Cathi was anything but flashy. A full figured woman from the waist down with child bearing hips and a modest bosom, the divorced mother of 3 young boys slowly jogged toward the ring, looking nervous and hesitant. As a result, the fan’s applause noticeably diminished as Cathi advanced, the single mom doing little to inspire them with her conservative attire and apprehensive demeanor.

But despite her nerves, Cathi had been preparing for this night for months, hiring Veteran’s Division wrestler Lace as her personal trainer and wrestling coach. The two had trained in earnest for the 6 weeks leading up to this night, although with mixed results. Physically Cathi had increased her strength and fitness level, though her training experiences inside of the ring were not quite what she nor her coach had hoped for. A sparring session against the Amazonian Milena had proven disastrous with Cathi succumbing to the busty brunette several times. But despite the setback, Cathi had continued to train hard and felt she was as ready for the challenge as she would ever be.

As she reached ringside however and took her place alongside Jade, she noticed the sexy Thai competitor continuing to flirt with 2 men in the second row. They were shouting their adoration at the sexy Asian fighter, drawing Cathi’s attention. But when she glanced over at them, Cathi was distressed to discover that the 2 men were actually her oldest son’s baseball coaches. She locked eyes with them and the 2 seemed just as startled as she was. Cathi’s face instantly turned red as a look of panic spread across it. She hadn’t contemplated the possibility that someone might recognize her, and now faced with that realization, she seemed momentarily distraught.

To their credit, the 2 men stopped flirting with Jade, one of them waving sheepishly at Cathi as she returned an uncomfortable wave in return before turning around and facing up toward the ring. Jade noticed her discomfort and smiled sinisterly, hoping to use it against her later on. So as Cathi dealt with her sudden state of panic, the announcer continued.

“Next ... at 33 years of age, standing 5 foot 8 inches tall and weighing 135 pounds ... Please welcome back one of last year’s unsuccessful competitors who is trying again... ATHENA!”

The fit and beautiful Athena began to jog down to ringside wearing a skimpy red bikini, her six pack abdominal muscles glimmering under the spotlights. Athena had competed in the previous year’s tournament, advancing into the second round before being defeated by Molly. But the brunette was in even better shape this year and more determined than ever to win her spot on the roster. Sprinting to ringside as she waved to the fans, Athena glanced at Molly as she passed her. With a look of determination, Athena nodded at the blonde, as if to say, “I’m ready for you this time!”, though her lips did not move.

Taking her place next to Cathi, Athena stood and shook her arms and legs to loosen the tension, her body rippled with muscles and not an ounce of visible fat. Her smile gradually faded, replaced with an expression of concentration and intensity as she anxiously waited for the action to start.

“Next ... At 26 years of age, she stands 5 foot 10 inches tall and weighs 130 pounds ... Please welcome ... FINESSE!”

The attractive brunette strode forward, walking with an air of arrogance as the crowd cheered. With a pompous smirk on her pretty face, she ignored the fans as she stared down toward ringside at her competition. Dressed in a red and white striped bikini top and black tights, from her days as a wrestling referee, Finesse virtually ignored the crowd as she marched forward with her chin held high. The statuesque African American was drawing a loud ovation, but she looked as if she could care less, striding by the professional wrestlers at ringside before turning to them and spreading her arms apart, letting them know that she had arrived.

The arrogance in the youngster’s mannerisms again drew scowls from the pros, but Finesse wasn’t satisfied to annoy them alone. Instead she breezed past her amateur counterparts, tossing her hair back so that it whisked past their faces. The egotistical brunette wasn’t winning any fans amongst the other wrestlers, though the crowd was clearly enjoying the view of her long, lean body and pretty face.

“Next ... At 28 years of age, standing 5 foot 7 inches tall and weighing 155 pounds ... Please welcome ... TATYANA!”

The applause continued as the blonde Russian emerged and began to walk toward the ring, her face expressionless. Wearing a black catsuit with the middle cut away from all but one side of it, Tatyana showed no emotion whatsoever, her face remaining completely devoid of it. Born and raised in Russia before moving to America, Tatyana did not appear to be at the fitness level of some of her competitors with wide hips and narrow shoulders, but her steely cold, calculating expression left many wondering what was on her mind. She slowly walked past the other wrestlers and took her place in line, not turning to glance at her surroundings at all and instead, simply standing erect with her eyes face forward.

“Next ... At 34 years of age, she stands 5 foot 9 inches tall and weighs 100 pounds ... Please welcome ... ESMERELDA!”

Unlike the two introduced before her, Esmerelda burst into the arena like she was shot out of a cannon, her long, curly black hair blowing behind her as she slapped hands with the fans and bounced from either side of the aisle, her energy level drawing loud cheers. The sexy Spaniard smiled widely and ran her hand through her hair as she made her way to ringside, pumping her other fist high over her head. Very attractive, Esmerelda was also very slight of build, her long and thin body looking a bit frail for a lady wrestler. Wearing a white bikini and barefoot, Esmerelda had a natural beauty which electrified the crowd. And what she lacked in bulk, she made up for with energy as she bobbed to her place in line and jumped around in a circle as she continued to wave to the fans.

“And finally, our last Women’s Division candidate ... At 26 years of age, standing 5 foot 9 inches tall and weighing 140 pounds ... Please welcome .... KAYLA ”!

Strolling briskly down the aisle, Kayla flashed her magnetic smile to the fans along the way, her straight, brown hair falling onto her shoulders. Wearing a tight, cropped white tees shirt and pair of red mini shorts, Kayla had the body of a swimsuit model, a fact not lost on most of the guys in the crowd who whistled and catcalled at her. But beneath her comely and somewhat non-threatening appearance, the South African beauty was a vicious predator. A former champion catfighter and erotic warrior, Kayla had been involved in dozens of wars, and usually had come out on top. She was now determined to succeed in the world of professional wrestling, though her seductive side would surely come out at some point along the way.

So with all 7 Amateurs and 3 Professionals now at ringside, the announcer then began to explain the rules of the competition to all.

“Our first round this year will consist of 3 head to head matches with one fall and a 5 minute time limit. In order to move onto the next round, winners will need to pin their opponent, or force her to submit, within that 5 minute limit. The match ups are ......”

The woman stood anxiously as they awaited the pairings, all of them but Tatyana turning to size up the others and formulate their desires in terms of their opponent. Tatyana however stood completely ambiguous, simply staring up at the announcer with no emotion on her face.

“Cathi vs. Jade”

Jade turned to face Cathi and smiled, happy about the outcome. She inched closer to Cathi to try and intimidate her, the single mom trying not to back down or look intimidated, though her nerves were visibly apparent. Jade then turned to face the two guys she was flirting with earlier, recognizing that they were acquaintances of her upcoming opponent.

“I think YOUR friends want ME to win!” she whispered in Cathi’s ears before winking at the 2 men.

Trying to remain calm, Cathi did not respond as the announcer continued to announce the pairings.

“Athena vs. Finesse ......”

The muscular brunette turned to face her taller, ebony opponent, Finesse staring menacingly back at her.

“You’re going down!” Finesse threatened, but Athena did not back down, standing her ground and shooting back, “Bring it!”

“and finally .... Tatyana vs. Esmerelda!”

The Russian was unfazed, though Esmerelda pumped her fist overhead confidently, turning to face Tatyana, though the Russian did not look back at her, simply smirking mildly.

But with 7 competitors, Kayla had not been paired off against another woman, and each wondered what her role would be, Kayla included. but the announcer but their questions to rest as he continued.

“The remaining contestant, Kayla, will be our wild card. If any of the three matches does not result in a winner after the 5 minutes pass, Kayla will then step into the ring. The match will resume for another 5 minutes with all 3 women in the ring. But this time, the two original competitors will both be trying to pin Kayla. If either is successful, Kayla will be eliminated. But if Katya can pin either of the two, then she will move onto the next round. So Cathi and Jade .... please come up into the ring!”

The crowd roared as the other 5 women took their seats while Cathi and Jade made their way up into the ring.

“Cathi vs. Jade”

With the cheers growing louder as each woman entered the ring, Jade’s followers quickly emerged, beginning to chant the sexy Thai’s fighter’s name. She smiled at the sound of her name ringing throughout the arena, jumping up onto the ropes to encourage them to continue.

Cathi meanwhile retreated into her corner, standing nervously by as she watched the spectacle. She glanced out into the crowd and noticed her son’s baseball coaches seated across from where she stood, smiling up at Jade who was perched seductively above them. Trying to clam herself, Cathi felt her heart pounding inside her chest, her pulse racing as she began to perspire. The scene was surreal, almost like an out of body experience as Cathi could not believe that she was standing in a wrestling before thousands of screaming fans, about to wrestle against another woman. The circumstances were so removed from anything she had ever imagined that she could barely think straight. But then Lace, her wrestling coach and trainer, walked over to her corner from ringside, and yelled a few words of encouragement up to her student. Cathi stared down at her, still looking like a deer caught in the headlights, though Lace seemed to at least bring her partially back to the task at hand.

Jade meanwhile, had worked the crowd into a frenzy, jumping up in her corner to further incite them. But as the announcer exited the ring and the lights over the crowd dimmed, it was time to find out which one of these two women would move onto the next round. The bell then rang, another roar emerged from the crowd, and the match was underway.

Sensing her opponent’s apprehension, Jade moved in quickly, rushing at Cathi who appeared tenuous. Before Cathi could react, Jade grabbed hold of one of her wrists while snatching hold of her head with the other. She then turned and quickly flipped the bulky brunette to the canvas, drawing a huge reaction from the crowd. Though victimized by her anxiety, Cathi was able to curl her spine while in the air, allowing her to roll forward upon landing and get to her feet quickly. Jade was on her right away however, although Cathi managed to get her arms up, the two locking up and struggling for an advantage.

Using her considerable size and strength advantage, Cathi began to drive Jade backward, overpowering the smaller Asian, who was forced to backpedal. But Jade continued to struggle, trying to reposition her arms, which allowed Cathi to quickly snatch her by the wrist and forcefully twist her arm behind her back. With her limb now wedged up against her back, her shoulder aching, Jade began to screech loudly, both in pain and in protest. Cathi set herself to apply more pressure, being careful not to put herself in danger by being aware of her position.

The struggle continued for a few more seconds, Jade’s screeches growing more impassioned and louder, until finally Cathi began to push her from behind, forcing her toward the corner. Unable to stop the propulsion, the front of Jade’s body was jarred against the turnbuckles, her arm still trapped behind her back as Cathi kept her wedged against the corner. Some of the crowd began to boo as Cathi kept the upperhand, this time pulling Jade out of the corner, grabbing her arm with both hands and tossing her across the ring.

Flung across the ring, Jade bounced off of the ropes, returning toward the single mom who met her with a running body block, sending the petite Thai woman crumbling to the canvas. More boos emerged as Cathi reached down and grabbed Jade by the ankle, pulling up on her leg and wrapping it around her own, twisting a step over toe hold onto the fishnet wrapped limb of the sexy brunette.

Again Jade squealed loudly, her high pitched shriek heard above the boos of the fans. But Cathi continued to press her advantage, twisting on Jade’s leg with great intensity. Glancing out into the crowd, Cathi saw her son’s baseball coaches looking on in disbelief, one of them giving her the thumbs up. Momentarily distracted, Cathi left herself vulnerable to an ascending kick from Jade’s free leg, which struck her in the pit of her stomach.

Spewing a puff of air from the effects of the blow, Cathi stumbled backward, dropping Jade’s leg as she hunched forward. The Asian beauty quickly got to her feet and attacked, wrapping the doubled over mom in a headlock before pulling her across the ring, heading for the corner. Reaching it, Jade tossed Cathi’s head between the top two turnbuckles, the top of it ramming against the steel support pole in the corner with a loud CLANK!

With a bewildered look on her face, Cathi stumbled backward, falling down onto her butt before reaching to massage the top of her aching head. With Cathi disoriented while seated on the canvas, Jade grabbed hold of her ankle and pulled her by her leg to the center of the ring. Once there, Jade forced Cathi onto her back while securing a grip on her other ankle. Clenching tightly on both of Cathi’s ankles, Jade then hauled both legs upward. With both of her bulky legs now elevated, the brunette mom was helpless as Jade spread them apart, trapping her in a most compromising position. Cathi slapped at her sides in protest as Jade stared down at her from between her spread legs, smiling sadistically as she lifted one foot and held it menacingly over her crotch. A look of fear quickly emerged on Cathi’s face before Jade stomped down into the single mother’s womanhood.

Howling in pain, Cathi writhed on the mat as Jade sadistically began to grind the sole of her boot into the sensitive region. After an agonizing few seconds, Jade finally removed her boot, but did not relinquish her grip on Cathi’s ankles, keeping her legs spread wide apart. She then inched closer, moving between the brunette’s wishbone formation, before dropping her knee down into Cathi’s lower stomach. Once again the husky brunette squealed in agony as her upper body propelled forward off of the canvas.

With her knee still planted firmly in Cathi’s lower abdomen, Jade reached forward and wrapped her arms around Cathi’s ascending head, pulling it close to her before stuffing the brunette’s face into her cleavage. The tactic drew a loud reaction from the crowd, many cheering while others simply chuckled at the humiliating maneuver. Jade then jostled her chest back and forth over Cathi’s face, more to entertain the fans than as an attack against her debilitated opponent. Her antics worked, as the crowd delighted in the display, cheering Jade on as she wedged the brunette’s face against her jiggling bosom.

Finally satisfied at both the physical and emotional damage she had inflicted, Jade released her grip, allowing Cathi’s upper body to collapse back against the mat before pushing herself back onto her feet. With the single mom rolling onto her side and cowering into a ball, Jade paraded around the ring with her arms stretched overhead, celebrating her dominance and enjoying the adulation of her fans.

Cathi meanwhile tried her best to recover though the pulsating pain shot through her body. But as Jade continued to celebrate, Cathi slowly got up onto all fours, prompting Jade to rush over to her. Continuing with her abusive attack, Jade mounted the kneeling Cathi, wrapping her legs around the brunette’s waist before raising her arm high in the air and slapping her opponent in the butt. Again the crowd roared as Jade yelled “GID … EE … UP!

With her face now red, Cathi tried to hoist Jade off of her back, but the sexy Asian kept her legs clenched tightly around her waist, slapping her hard in the butt a second time. The echoing laughter of the crowd embarrassed Cathi, prompting her to thrust herself upward, finally launching Jade off of her. Rolling away, Jade quickly got to her feet as Cathi got onto one knee, the Asian snatching a handful of Cathi’s short black hair to rip her onto her feet. As Cathi rose however, she hastily wrapped Jade in a bearhug and forced her back into the corner, jarring the petite Asian woman against the turnbuckles.

As Jade tried to push Cathi away, the single mom lifted her leg and delivered a powerful knee into Jade’s midsection, doubling her over in the process. Cathi then grabbed hold of Jade’s wrist and pulled her out of the corner, tossing her across the ring by the arm. Jade charged forward before slamming against the opposite corner, her arms flailing at her sides as her head snapped backward from the impact.

Pausing to take a deep breath, Cathi then charged in and again delivered a knee, this time with the force of her momentum to heighten it’s effectiveness. Wilting from the corner, Jade was then again tossed across the ring, this time bouncing off of the side ropes as Cathi prepared to deliver a clothesline upon her return. But Jade was able to regain control and leap forward, landing a brutal dropkick into Cathi’s midsection.

With a loud yelp, Cathi doubled over, wrapping her arms around her midsection as Jade quickly got to her feet, an angered expression on her face. Hoisting Cathi upright via a violent grip on her hair, Jade then slammed her knee into Cathi’s gut, doubling her over once again before the single mom dropped to one knee, again covering her aching belly. But the angry Jade did not relent, snatching two handfuls of Cathi’s short, black hair and again wrenching her onto her feet. As Cathi rose, Jade quickly did a pirouette in front of her, lifting her leg before slamming a brutal roundhouse kick against the side of Cathi’s face.

The besieged brunette spun around from the impact before collapsing to the canvas, covering her face with her hands. Rolling onto her stomach, Cathi writhed on the mat, clearly hurt as Jade stood over her. Again the Asian beauty went right on the attack, dropping to deliver a brutal elbow smash in Cathi’s lower back. As the flattened brunette squirmed beneath her, Jade quickly sat atop her back, reaching forward to grab hold of Cathi’s wrists before pulling back on her arms. With her upper body curling backward, Cathi’s back began to arch painfully as her face grimaced in pain. Jade continued to pull back on her arms even more, bending her opponent to increase the strain on her spine.

While remaining seated on Cathi’s lower back, the Thai beauty kept the pressure on, but then stretched her right leg forward, curling it around Cathi’s throat to trap in her in an erotic version of a choke hold. With the fishnet wrapped leg coiled around Cathi’s neck, her back warped even more as she grunted in agony. Jade released her arms, allowing Cathi to slap at her legs, though her efforts proved fruitless.

The fans erupted in cheers as Jade smiled, her arms thrust overhead as her leg choked her hapless opponent. The Asian warrior then turned and noticed the clock had ticked down to 4 minutes, meaning that only 1 minute remained in the match. So as a result, she finally uncoiled her leg from Cathi’s throat, allowing her body to collapse forward. Jade then stood up, reaching down to grab Cathi by the ankles before pulling her body near the corner, the brunette mom floundering to catch her breath. Using the grip on the gasping mom’s legs, Jade then rolled her onto her back before strutting alongside her and stomping her boot down into Cathi’s midsection.

As the mauled mom’s body reverberated, Jade hopped up onto the corner turnbuckles, climbing to the top ropes as she faced out into the crowd. Pumping her fists in the air, she then abruptly jumped backward, descending while spreading her legs apart until landing squarely in the center of Cathi’s body. The brutal landing again caused Cathi to thrash beneath Jade, the Asian sliding up the front of Cathi’s body before spreading her legs even wider as she pressed her crotch up against the bottom of Cathi’s chin, pinning her shoulders in the process.

With Cathi flattened and pinned, the ref dove in and checked the soon to be defeated mom’s shoulders. Seeing them pressed against the canvas, he slapped the mat three times, Cathi’s neck bent awkwardly backward as Jade’s groin wedged tightly against her throat. As the ref stood up and called for the bell, Jade thrust her arms in the air in celebration as the fans cheered wildly in celebration. The Asian conqueror then looked down at Cathi and smiled, taunting her one last time as the disheartened and defeated mom stared blankly up at her.

“You just wore the Jade Necklace!” Jade proclaimed, announcing her signature finisher move.

She then stood up, allowing Cathi to roll onto her side and cower into a ball as the ref lifted Jade’s arm in the air and the announcer declared her victory.

“The winner of the first match, and moving onto the next round ..... JADE!

Again the crowd erupted as Jade pranced around the ring, absorbing the cheers. Cathi meanwhile remained on the mat, the announcer declaring an end to her attempt to become a professional wrestler.

“Cathi is defeated and will go home!” Her trainer Lace then dejectedly walked over to ringside, shaking her head at the outcome. Cathi, still lying on the mat, turned to glance at her and noticed Jade rush over to the baseball coaches and slap their hands in celebration. The viciously seductive manner in which Jade had so thoroughly defeated her had not only left Cathi humiliated, but she quickly realized that the consequences of her loss would certainly spill over into her personal life, well beyond this moment.

A few minutes later, after Cathi was helped from the ring and Jade finally took her seat at ringside, the next 2 women were called up into the ring as the announcer addressed the crowd.

“With our first match concluded, Jade moves on to the next round. So let’s see who will move on with her. Our next match features Athena and Finesse, so can we have those two wrestlers up in the ring now!”

“Athena vs. Finesse”

As the announcer exited, Athena jumped from her seat and hopped up into the ring, the crowd giving her an affable welcome. Her opponent took her time however, and standing at ringside, mocked her upcoming competitor. The statuesque Finesse circled the outside of the ring, pointing her thumbs down as the crowd cheered for Athena. Finally the tall, leggy women climbed up into the ring, sauntering by her brunette opponent with an arrogance that was unmistakable. Finesse brushed against Athena as she strutted past her, the fit brunette standing her ground as Athena smirked at her. Finally making her way across the ring to her corner, Finesse then turned toward her opponent, once again sneering at her as the bell rang.

Sprinting from her corner, Athena trotted around the ring as Finesse again strutted slowly, her arrogant demeanor on display. Allowing her opponent the opportunity to parade for the fans, Athena finally moved in, but as she did, Finesse wound her arm back and sent a powerful open handed slap across Athena’s face. The loud SMACK jarred the fans as Athena’s head snapped to the side and she lifted her hands to her aching cheek. The crowd began to boo, choosing sides early in the contest as Athena slowly stood erect and moved in again.

But as before, Finesse again slapped her across the cheek, jarring the shorter brunette backward as the side of her face grew a crimson red. The fit and strong Athena recovered once more, her pretty face twisted in anger as she rushed Finesse, wrapping her arms around her and forcing her into the corner. With Athena hunched forward, she drove her taller adversary back into the turnbuckles, but Finesse grabbed the back of Athena’s bowed head and then lifted her knee up into Athena’s face, jarring her off of her feet before she collapsed onto her knees.

Still standing in the corner, Finesse now had her opponent kneeling beneath her, and took advantage by locking her arms over the top ropes, propelling her legs upward and then thrusting them forward. The double kick connected on Athena’s face, and sent her shooting backward as her body flipped onto the mat before she landed face down. The crowd began to boo even louder as Athena writhed on the canvas, her face aching as she struggled to get up onto her elbows.

With an air of superiority, Finesse swaggered out of the corner and circled the fallen brunette, lifting her arms to incite the crowd even more. They responded with a flurry of jeers as Finesse goaded them on, continuing to circle her prey in an ominous fashion. Suffering from the unexpectedly quick and powerful attack, Athena struggled to regain her composure, propping herself on her elbows as she shook her head to try and clear the cobwebs. A welt had developed on her right cheek from where Finesse had both slapped and kicked her, and her attacker had now snatched a handful of her hair, using the grip to rip her onto her feet.

As Athena rose, she tried to attack Finesse’s midsection, but the lithe beauty dodged the attempt and instead drove the back of her leg down onto the back of Athena’s head, smashing her face into the canvas once again. Flattened once more as the back of Finesse’s thigh kept her pinned, face first against the canvas, Athena was groggy as she tried to wriggle free. Finesse meanwhile pumped her fist in the air as the crowd derided her. She finally lifted her leg off of Athena’s back and got to her knees, perched perilously atop her ailing victim.

Again snatching two handfuls of hair, Finesse hauled Athena onto her knees, the two kneeling women now facing each other. But this time it was Athena who acted first, abruptly grabbing Finesse’s head from both sides before launching a vicious headbutt right between her eyes. The loud CRACK drew a hug ovation from the fans as Finesse’s arms dropped to her sides and she floundered on her knees, obviously jarred by the blow. Athena then pushed herself upward, charged back to the side ropes and then launched herself off of them, leaping forward to deliver a tremendous dropkick to the side of Finesse’s head.

The blow shot the tall, willowy brunette to the mat as she rolled onto her side, grabbing her head in the process. Athena got up quickly, a look of intensity filling her dark eyes as she grabbed Finesse by the wrist and yanked her onto her feet. As the taller, dark skinned Finesse rose, Athena greeted her with a powerful uppercut to her midsection, doubling her over in the process. The crowd roared, cheering for the shorter, powerful Athena as she set herself in front of the hunched Finesse. She then reached forward and wrapped her arms around Finesse’s waist from behind, placing her in a reverse bearhug. Pausing, Athena then pulled on her wounded opponent’s midsection, hoisting her upended body into the air.

With her slender waist now constricted from Athena’s grasp, Finesse’s long, willowy arms feel toward the canvas as her legs shot upward. She could hear the crowd roaring their approval, but then everything went blank as Athena slammed her head into the mat in a vicious Pile Driver. Stunned, the crowd quieted down for a split second as they watched Finesse topple over and fall limply to the mat, but then howled in celebration as Athena stood up and hovered over her now innocuous adversary.

The previously arrogant Finesse was now completely out of it as Athena kicked her onto her back, the long limbs of the battered wrestler now sprawled apart. Athena then dropped down onto her, pinning her shoulders to the canvas a quick three count ended the match. The fans delighted as Athena quickly got to her feet, her arm lifted overhead in celebration as the lights shimmered off of her glistening body, the announcer making it official.

“The winner of the second match, and moving onto the next round ..... ATHENA!

Again the crowd erupted as Athena thrust her arm skyward, her face still swollen though that did not deter her celebration. Finesse meanwhile remained on the mat, overwhelmed by the power of her opponent before she finally struggled to her feet and left the ring.

“Finesse is defeated and will go home! So with our first two matches concluded, our final first round match is next. Will Tatyana and Esmerelda please come up in the ring now!”

“Tatyana vs. Esmerelda”

Hopping up spryly from her seat, Esmerelda bounded up into the ring, her long, curly hair flowing freely as she skipped around it to a loud and welcoming ovation from the fans. Acknowledging the cheers with a wide smile, Esmerelda then climbed up the corner, standing on the middle turnbuckle as she thrust her arms overhead while blowing kisses to the cheering audience. With her pretty face beaming, the fiery Spaniard had aroused the fans and continued to elicit their cheers with her bubbly personality.

Conversely, Tatyana slowly stood from her chair and plodded over to the steps leading up into the ring as the crowd continued to shower Esmerelda with their affection. Unfazed, Tatyana slowly climbed the stairs before ducking beneath the ropes and lumbering directly to her corner. She turned in toward the ring, her face emotionless as she stared across at Esmerelda with a deadpan expression. The brunette Spaniard continued to work the crowd while the blonde Russian seemed content to stand quietly in her corner, seemingly unaffected by the crowd’s obvious preference for her opponent.

As the announcer left the ring, the crowd began to quiet down, but right before the bell rang, a small group of Russian fans sitting in the back of the arena yelled up at Tatyana in unison, shouting a phrase in Russian. Though none of the fans understood what the group of Russians had said, for the first time, a smile stretched across the stoic Tatyana’s face as she waved back to them with both arms. The short-lived smile was the first sign of emotion the blonde had shown since entering the arena, and it quickly faded as the bell rang to signal the start of the match.

Striding out of her corner, the Russian blonde gradually moved forward, though Esmerelda had already skipped around her, bobbing and weaving as she lifted her hands out in front of her and prepared herself for battle. Tatyana tried to move in, but Esmerelda continued to circle away from her, waiting for the right opportunity to attack. The tall and slender Esmerelda had a couple of inches height advantage over her golden blonde opponent, but was nonetheless outweighed by over 50 pounds compared to the curvaceous Russian. As such, she knew that in a test of pure strength, Tatyana would likely prevail so she was cautious not to engage Tatyana head on, instead moving swiftly in a circular motion as the blonde stalked her.

After a couple of turns around the ring, Esmerelda was no closer to initiating a confrontation, though she remained active and nimble while Tatyana sluggishly pursued her. But eventually the cold and calculating Russian managed to cut off the ring and confine her to the corner, lunging forward to grab Esmerelda with both arms. The Spaniard deftly ducked the attempt however and scooted away, drawing a loud cheer from the partisan crowd. Though she must have been frustrated, the imperturbable Tatyana did not show, continuing her pursuit with her typical expressionless demeanor.

Again the women continued the dance, Esmerelda leading as Tatyana grudgingly chased. But once again Tatyana was able to move in and restrict the Spaniards escape routes, forcing her into the corner as she moved in. As Tatyana lunged at the brunette once again, Esmerelda hastily placed her hands on the back of Tatyana’s head and forced it downward while leapfrogging over her back. As the blonde began to straighten up, Esmerelda landed behind her, turned quickly and secured a grip on the Russian’s wrist before twisting her arm behind her back.

The crowd erupted at the acrobatic escape and subsequent attack as the Spaniard wrenched the Russian’s arm behind her while wedging her into the corner. With her arm bent awkwardly, Tatyana showed little visible pain, her face barely askew despite the fact that her shoulder throbbed with increasing intensity. Keeping her opponent at bay, Esmerelda drove forward to not only increase the effectiveness of the hold, but also to mash the front of Tatyana’s body against the turnbuckles.

Trapped in the corner, the blonde could do little more than try to wriggle free while listening to the crowd cheer her suffering. But slowly she reached downward with her free arm before grabbing hold of Esmeralda’s thigh and then tossing herself backward. Unable to keep her balance with one leg being restrained, Esmerelda flipped backward and fell to the mat, Tatyana landing on top of her and squashing her against the canvas. Though a flurry of boos cascaded through the arena, the small group of Russian fans cheered the turn around as Tatyana rolled off of the Spaniard and snatched two handfuls of her hair, ripping her onto her feet.

With the two women erect, the blonde then scooped up the slender brunette, hoisting her horizontally before dropping to one knee and slamming Esmeralda’s back against it. The devastating over the knee back breaker drew a hush from the crowd as Esmerelda howled in pain, rolling off of Tatyana’s knee before floundering on the canvas. The cheers of the Russian fans were immediate, but quickly overwhelmed by the jeers of the larger audience as Tatyana slowly got to her feet, moving lethargically as she shook her arm to help alleviate the numbness.

With a slender upper body sitting atop a pair of generously curved hips, it quickly became apparent that Tatyana’s wrestling style relied more upon her strength than her speed. Her movements were unhurried and calculating, and could even be described as sluggish and plodding, but at this early stage, she was in control as she stood over Esmerelda and watched her writhe in pain beneath her. Reaching down, Tatyana grabbed a handful of the Spaniards long, thick hair and forcefully yanked her upright. She then shoved one arm between Esmeralda’s legs and hoisted her body into the air, upending her in the process. As the crowd mocked the Russian, she forcefully slammed the slender Spaniard to the canvas, jarring her svelte body with an impressive display of her power.

Again Esmerelda thrashed in pain as she rolled on her back from side to side, reaching to grab her aching spine. Tatyana reached down and pushed her straight onto her back before stomping the sole of her black wrestling boot into the pit of the brunette’s trim tummy. The blow folded Esmerelda in half as her head and legs shot upward, her slight body impaled by Tatyana’s stomp. The unsympathetic Russian waited for her to unfurl before again stomping on her midsection, Esmerelda discharging a loud and anguished squeal as a result.

With the crowd voicing their frustration, Tatyana sluggishly reached down and hauled her trampled victim up by the arm, insolently pushing her into the corner. Esmerelda was being manhandled by the larger Russian; and as Tatyana seized her right arm with both hands; was then vigorously whipped across the ring. Charging forward with great speed, her long, curly hair fluttering behind her, the front of Esmeralda’s body slammed against the turnbuckles, jarring the ring from the impact as her rams fell listlessly over the top rope.

Following behind her dangling foe, Tatyana took her time, trudging across the ring before ripping Esmerelda out of the corner, forcefully spinning her around and then shoving her back into it. With her shoulders pressed against the top turnbuckle, Esmerelda wilted from the ropes, her arms lying over the top one as Tatyana stood menacingly in front of her. The golden haired Russian then wedged her left forearm beneath the Spaniard’s chin, jarring her head backward and arching her back in the process. With her ribcage protruding from her slight frame, Esmeralda’s upper body curled back over the top rope as Tatyana raised her right arm high overhead, holding it there as the crowd continued to chastise her.

A glimmer of arrogance could be seen in Tatyana’s dark eyes though her facial expression remained stoic and unemotional. She kept her right arm stretched as high as she could, the anticipation of the Russian fans growing as they tried unsuccessfully to amplify their cheers over the booing of the majority. Finally Tatyana drove her arm downward, striking Esmeralda’s bare breast plate with her open hand. The loud CLAP echoed throughout the ring as the Spaniard’s body impulsively fell forward though Tatyana’s kept her pinned in the corner with the chokehold.

With a large, red blotch appearing on her chest from the violent slap, Esmerelda was then plucked from the corner and once again thrown across the ring. Racing forward, her body spun before ferociously slamming against the turnbuckles, her back absorbing all of the punishment as her arms sailed out to her sides, her legs splaying apart. With her arms coming to rest and dangling over the top rope to keep her erect, Esmeralda’s head drooped in front of her, her long, curly hair now covering her face. Tatyana began to slowly lumber across the ring toward her, Esmerelda brushing her hair back from her face as she tried desperately to revive.

In no hurry, Tatyana kept her dark, menacing eyes focused on her opponent as she traipsed across the ring, her face still deadpan like that of a cold, calculating killer. As she drew closer however, the Spaniard held tightly onto the ropes and then propelled her legs upward, wrapping them around the approaching Russian’s head. Reaching up to break the hold, Tatyana tried to pry the long, slender legs of her opponent apart, but Esmerelda then twirled out of the corner, and as her upper body descended, was able to use her legs to flip Tatyana onto her back. The acrobatic maneuver excited the crowd as they jumped to their feet and cheered loudly, Tatyana’s body sprawled apart from the awkward landing.

With her body aching, Esmerelda nonetheless got up, inspired by the cheering fans as she moved back against the side ropes. Tatyana meanwhile rolled onto her side and slowly pushed herself up and onto her feet. As she began to straighten up however, Esmerelda charged at her and delivered a spirited drop kick to the Russian’s chest, jarring her back to the mat. Landing hard on her shoulders, Tatyana’s body spiraled head over heels until she came to rest, face down. Propping herself up on her elbows as she laid there, the blonde shook her head to clear the cobwebs as Esmerelda scampered to her feet. She then rushed over to the prone Russian, lifted her arm out in front of her and dropped down, slamming her elbow into the back of Tatyana’s head.

The attack drove the blonde’s face violently into the mat, both the front and back of her head left bruised from the blow. As Tatyana struggled to recover, Esmerelda got up and again retreated to the side ropes, waiting for her opponent to rise. Breathing heavily, Esmerelda had nonetheless managed to turn things around, and the Russian began to get up, again Esmerelda took off, charging toward her. Leaping forward to deliver another drop kick, Esmerelda was stunned when Tatyana lifted her arms and caught her, cradling the Spaniard in front of her. With a loud grunt, Tatyana then, in one motion, hoisted the slender brunette over her shoulder, wrapping her arm around the back of Esmeralda’s thigh to hold her in place.

With her upper body dangling down the Russian’s back, Esmerelda tried desperately to jiggle free, but the powerful blonde had her secured and begun to parade around the ring. With her typical vacant expression, Tatyana carried the Spaniard around on her shoulder as the fans again showered her with boos. But then the small group of fans, in unison, yelled out something in Russian and an uncharacteristic smile stretched across the blonde’s face. She glanced out at them with a delighted grin, but then suddenly it disappeared and her face contorted into an anguished expression.

Dangling from the blonde’s back, Esmerelda was able to cock her arm and slam the point of her elbow into Tatyana’s lower back, sending a sharp pain up the blonde’s spine. It was the first time in the match when Tatyana showed any sign of pain, and when Esmerelda repeated the attack a second time by hammering the same spot on the blonde’s lower back with her elbow, Tatyana winced noticeably as her knees buckled and her spine grew numb.

Before Esmerelda could attack again however, the Russian chucked Esmeralda’s legs backward, sending the willowy brunette crashing to the canvas behind her. Landing hard on her tailbone, Esmeralda’s head snapped back as she sat upright, her body jarred from the landing. She reached for her aching back as Tatyana stumbled over against the ropes, also reaching for her aching back. With both women in pain, it was Tatyana who fought through it, trudging up behind the still seated Spaniard and stomping her boot between Esmeralda’s shoulders. The blow jarred the brunette and caused her body to quake, though she remained seated erect. Tatyana then moved closer and reached down to grab hold of Esmeralda’s head from behind, but the Spaniard reached back and wrapped her arms around Tatyana’s thighs, holding them tightly. She then thrust herself up and back, causing Tatyana to lose her balance as she plummeted backward and landed flat on her back.

The crowd was roaring as the pace of the action had begun to accelerate, both women dishing out punishment as the clock ticked away. With almost half of the 5 minute time limit time expired, there was yet no clear leader in the match, though Esmerelda hoped to change that. Rushing over to her fallen Russian counterpart, Esmerelda reached for one of Tatyana’s legs, but the blonde kicked at her, striking the Spaniard in the stomach. Doubling over as she backpedaled, Esmerelda took a deep breath to recover as Tatyana rolled onto her side and began to get up. But the Spaniard charged again, grabbing Tatyana in a side headlock as she rose. Hunched forward with her head wedged between the slim Spaniards’ hip and arm, Tatyana felt the pressure on her skull increasing as Esmerelda jerked it wildly. Pulling the stooped over blonde around, Esmerelda continued to squeeze and jostle Tatyana’s head, the Russian unable to prevent her from doing so as the fans cheered her on.

The struggle continued as Tatyana’s face began to turn red from being stuffed against Esmeralda’s side. But the blonde Russian then finally was able to grab Esmeralda’s wrist, and with a quick spin move, freed herself while at the same time, twisting the Spaniard’s arm out to her side. With their roles now somewhat reversed, the red faced Russian stood alongside her brunette opponent, yanking on her twisted arm as she ripped it away from her body. Tatyana then slammed the bottom of her fist down onto the Spaniard’s slender arm, knocking her to her knees. Finally she pulled up on Esmeralda’s arm, exposing her ribcage in the process before kicking her foot forward and stomping on her ribs.

With a loud groan, the brunette faltered forward, curling her body together for protection as she knelt upright. The plodding Russian then trudged over in front of the downed brunette and seized hold of her hair with both hands. But as she began to pull her up, Esmerelda fired a series of straight jabs into Tatyana’s bare belly, halting the attack. Startled, the Russian backed a step away as she grimaced from the effects, but moved in again, this time plucking the lighter Esmerelda to her feet by again ripping at her hair. She then grabbed the back of the Spaniard’s bikini bottom and used the grip to lift her up, and then body slam her to the canvas.

The crowd was roused by the action as both women fought hard to gain an advantage, though the blonde was currently in the driver’s seat. Once again snatching Esmerelda off of the canvas by the hair, she shoved her back against the ropes and then whipped her across the ring. After bouncing off of the far ropes, the brunette returned, but ducked Tatyana’s attempt at a clothesline and continued forward, bouncing off of the ropes once again before charging back at her to deliver a shoulder block to the Russian’s chest.

The blow knocked Tatyana backward, but did not knock her down; the slight of build Esmerelda not able to deliver enough force to overcome her size deficiency. But it was enough to momentarily impair the blonde, and Esmerelda took advantage of that fact by charging her and slamming a running clothesline into the Russian’s chest. Now backed against the ropes, Tatyana bounced off of them slightly, Esmerelda backing up and then charging forward to greet her with a drop kick to the chest which finally toppled the Russian blonde.

Falling onto her side, Tatyana was then jumped on by the smaller Spaniard, who rolled her onto her stomach and quickly seized both of her legs. Folding the blonde’s left leg upward, the brunette then twisted it toward the other leg, wedging Tatyana’s left ankle into the crux behind her right knee. She then folded Tatyana’s right leg in toward her body, the right leg trapping the left one in an awkward and painful way. Face down, Tatyana began to squeal loudly, her face contorted in pain. The typically stoic Russian was clearly suffering and that suffering seemed to delight the fans. But Esmerelda wasn’t content and turned to face the back of Tatyana’s head while keeping her legs curled. She then sat down on Tatyana’s right shin, placing her weight down to further contort the bent limbs in a frightening and excruciating manner.

”I I I I I E E E E Y Y .....” squealed the pretty blonde in obvious agony.

Slapping at the canvas as she continued to howl, her typically blank expression now knotted in persecution, the fans began to sense that the Russian would soon have to quit. But Esmerelda kept the pressure on, seated atop Tatyana’s leg as she reached forward and grabbed hold of the hair on the back of her head and pulling on Tatyana’s honey-colored tresses to force the Russian’s back to curl until her body was twisted into a ”U” shape. In excruciating pain, the Russian tried frantically to reach back and grab hold of Esmerelda, but the Spaniard seized her arms and pulled on them, crossing one over the other before kneeling down on both and pinning them to her back. The veins on the Russian’s neck began to protrude, the rounded orbs of her chest jutting forward from her curled position as her mouth opened wide from her screams.

For the first time in the match, the ref moved in and checked Tatyana for a submission. With her body curled into a pretzel, she was now in danger of being permanently injured. But Esmerelda still was not done, reaching forward with both hands before wedging her fingers into the corner of each side of Tatyana’s mouth and angrily pulling it in opposite directions. The Russian’s pretty face was now being ripped apart as Esmerelda mauled her cheeks. The fans began to scream for the match to end, Tatyana’s eyes showing the unbearable pain she was in.

With both knees about to pop, her spine curled dangerously and her face being torn apart, the blonde seemingly had no choice but to surrender. Her body began to quake from the tremndous pain it was experieincing, but the intensely proud Russian refused to give in. Shrieking in pain, she nonetheless refused to answer the ref’s plea for her submission as her entire body convulsed. Finally however, Esmerelda seemed to show some mercy and released her grip before standing up and allowing Tatyana to collapse forward as her legs uncoiled below her. With Esmeralda now straddling her body, Tatyana lay flat as her body heaved up and down from her heavy breathing. She could barely move as relieved though anguished sighs spewed forth from her gouged lips.

Some of the fans grew uncomfortable with the amount of punishment the Russian blonde had been subjected to, but her fiery Spaniard opponent seemed determined to make her quit, and so again she reached down and grabbed hold of Tatyana’s wrists, pulling back on her arms to once again curl the Russian’s upper body backward. She then stood atop Tatyana’s back while continuing to pull back on her arms, lifting one foot and positioning it behind the blonde’s head. Cringing in pain, Tatyana’s chest again protruded forward as her gouged face clearly expressed her agony. Esmerelda then drove her foot forward, slamming it into the back of Tatyana’s head while releasing her arms to viciously drive her face into the canvas.

A sickening THUD resonated in the ring from the force of the impact, Tatyana’s head violently bouncing off of the canvas and propelling upward. With her head remaining upright for a few seconds, Tatyana’s face wore a dazed expression before her head finally collapsed back down. The Russian fans in the back of the arena began to angrily chastise her attacker, but the spirited Spaniard waved her arms at them in a sign of defiance. But despite her defiant display, Esmerelda knew that it was time to end the match and so, looking up to check the clock and noticing that only a minute remained in the 5 minute time limit, she went to work to end it.

Seated at ringside, Kayla was one of the few who hoped that Tatyana could hang on for the final minute. Cast in the role of “wild card”, the only way she would have the opportunity to wrestle and earn a spot in the next round, was if the match concluded in a draw. But as Esmerelda knelt down next to the flattened Russian, a draw seemed unlikely. Rolling Tatyana onto her back, Esmerelda knelt over her before dropping her slender body across the blonde’s shoulders. The ref then dove in, checked for a pin and began to slap the canvas, but he only reached a count of two before Tatyana was able to lift one shoulder and stop him before the third slap.

Frustrated, Esmerelda then reached down and hooked one of the Russian’s legs to add some leverage before again pressing her body across Tatyana’s shoulders. But again the ref’s count only reached two before the flattened blonde arched her back and, thrusting her hips upward, ejecting the Spaniard off of her and forcing her to roll beneath the side ropes. The Russian fans cheered wildly as Tatyana rolled onto her stomach, not ready to give up yet. Esmeralda’s body had rolled onto the ring apron, her head and shoulders dangling outside of the ring as her legs remained inside of it. She then squirmed backward so that she could get up, but as she got to her knees, clutching the ropes for support, Tatyana desperately reached for and grabbed her ankle, pulling on it to trip the Spaniard and prevent her ascent.

With Esmeralda’s upper body falling onto the middle rope, Tatyana frantically tried to get up, but her legs were still in too much pain to support her weight so she crawled on her hands and knees and dove forward to grab the Spaniard’s long, curly hair and choke her against the rope. Though many of the fans had become sympathetic to Tatyana's plight, the dirty and desperate tactic turned them against her once again as they booed and hissed as Esmeralda flailed her arms chaotically. With the Russian pressing all of her weight down onto the back of Esmeralda’s head, they svelte Spaniard could not escape as she was strangled against the cable.

Finally the ref moved in and barked at Tatyana to break the choke, though the Russian did not obey. He then began to count and just as he was about to disqualify her, Tatyana finally released her grip as her opponent collapsed against the cable and desperately gasped for air. With only 30 seconds remaining, Tatyana knelt upright, her legs still aching too badly for her to attempt to get to her feet. So instead she reached forward and pulled Esmerelda off of the ropes by the hair, the two women kneeling as Esmerelda faced out toward the crowd, Tatyana perched ominously behind her while still yanking on her hair.

Realizing that time was running out, Tatyana then roughly shoved Esmerelda to the mat and attempted to dive on top of her, but the Spaniard rolled out of the way as the Russian plopped down onto the canvas, missing her target. Moving slowly, Tatyana grabbed for the rope and used it to pull herself upright, Esmerelda getting to her feet near the center of the ring. Just as Tatyana again got up onto both knees, Esmerelda, an angry sneer stretched across her pretty face, moved over next to her and lifted her leg to the side before delivering a vicious kick to the side of Tatyana’s head.

The blow jarred the Russian, her head jolting to the side as her body shuddered from the force of the blow. No longer holding the ropes she now knelt erect with a dazed expression on her face, her arms dangling limply at her sides. She was clearly out of it at this point as Esmerelda stood next to her and then grabbed her by the hair, tossing her to the canvas. The Russian fell onto her back with a THUD, her arms splaying out on either side of her body. The brunette then dove down across her shoulders, squirming on top of them until they were pinned as the ref checked and again began to count. But as before, he only was able to slap the mat twice before again, Tatyana thrust her hips upward and rolled Esmerelda off of her.

As the Spaniard rolled away, suddenly the bell rang loudly, over and over, signaling the end of the five minute time limit. Tatyana remained flat on her back, breathing heavily as her body heaved up and down. Esmerelda meanwhile had got to one knee, and angrily punched the mat in frustration at the realization that she had not been able to pin the resolute Russian. So as Esmerelda slowly got to her feet while Tatyana remained flat on her back, the announcer entered the ring and declared the outcome.

“With the five minute time limit expired and neither woman earning a victory, the wild card round will begin shortly. Kayla, please join us in the ring! We’ll take a short break and then come right back!” he proclaimed.

& vs.
“Esmerelda AND Tatyana vs. Kayla”

As Esmerelda stood and stared at Kayla as she made her way into the ring, Tatyana rolled over and sat up, also watching her upcoming opponent’s entrance, though in a slightly less coherent manner. The blows to her head had left her in a stupor, and though she was sitting upright, that was as far as she was able to get just yet.

Kayla made her way up to join them with a sinister sneer, well aware that both women had already absorbed a good deal of punishment as she pranced past each of them, smiling wickedly. With Esmerelda standing in her corner, sweating and breathing heavily, Kayla strutted within inches of her, the two exchanging quiet glares before Kayla then strolled past the seated Tatyana who was also perspiring heavily, the ref and announcer helping her up. Kayla shook her head in an arrogant manner as the men guided Tatyana to her corner, Kayla finally taking a place in the corner adjacent to each of them. Turning to examine each of her impending opponents, Kayla wasn’t quite sure what the rules of the wild card round would be, but judging by the condition of the competition, she hoped their exhaustion would make her job that much easier.

Wearing a skimpy white bikini which was even skimpier than Esmeralda’s, Kayla was a worthy opponent, even if both women had been at full strength. At 5’9” tall, she was as tall as Esmerelda and had a couple of inches height advantage over Tatyana. And at 140 pounds, she was fit and strong, outweighing the Esmerelda by 40 pounds. And even though she was giving up 15 pounds in weight to Tatyana, Kayla was clearly the more physically fit of the two. As a world class tri-athlete, she possessed strength, stamina and self-discipline, all traits which had served her well in everything she did. But she also had a cockiness to her which was clearly visible in her eyes. She was beautiful AND athletic, and she knew it!

After a few minutes had passed and all three women were set in their corners, the announcer again stepped to the center of the ring and revealed the rules for the Wild Card Round.

“Our next round will also have a five minute time limit. This time however, Esmerelda and Tatyana will not be competing against each other and instead they both must attempt to pin Kayla. If Kayla is pinned, then she will be eliminated and both Esmerelda and Tatyana will move on to the next round. In order for Kayla to move on to the next round, she must pin BOTH Esmerelda and Tatyana. If there are no pins after the five minute time limit expires, all three women will be eliminated.”

With that the announcer departed the ring as all 3 women fidgeted in their corners. Kayla seemed perturbed that she needed to pin both women in order to move on, but quickly got over her angst as she waited for the bell to ring. In the other corners, Esmerelda hopped spryly, seemingly recovered from the previous match and anxious to get underway while Tatyana was still struggling to regain her composure, the effects of the match still evident as she held onto the ropes on either side of her. But as the bell rang, the previous match was now history and nothing else mattered but what lie ahead.

Bolting from her corner, Kayla moved quickly to the adjacent corner where Tatyana stood, apparently deciding to attack the weakened Russian first. Tatyana had barely moved forward before Kayla was on her, the two locking arms as Kayla quickly powered the blonde back into her corner. As they struggled for position with Tatyana’s back against the turnbuckles, Kayla lifted her leg and delivered a powerful knee into the blonde’s bare gut, doubling her over in the process.

But Esmerelda was lurking behind and quickly raced forward, leaping to deliver a dropkick into the small of Kayla’s back. The kick not only bent Kayla’s back while pounding her into the corner, it also caused her to crush Tatyana into the padding as well. Dropping to the mat, Esmerelda quickly stood and charged up behind Kayla, entwining her arms and trapping her in a full nelson. With Kayla’s arms trapped overhead, Esmerelda held on, yelling for Tatyana to attack. The beleaguered Russian obeyed, stepping forward to pound a series of uppercuts into Kayla’s taut tummy.

Grunting with each shot she took, Kayla tried to tighten her abs as her belly was beaten. Despite her weakened condition, Tatyana was nonetheless able to deliver a series of brutal punches to the defenseless Kayla’s midsection, softening her up before Esmerelda finally released her arms. Dropping to one knee while covering her battered belly, Kayla was then ripped up by the hair, the Spaniard spinning her around and pushing her back against Tatyana, who then repeated her colleagues maneuver by again Locking Kayla in a full nelson.

Though still backed against the corner, Tatyana was now in control of the newcomer, holding her by the arms to keep her at bay. Esmerelda meanwhile backed up before racing forward, both Kayla AND Tatyana’s eyes widening as she leaped towards them, delivering another dropkick, this time to Kayla’s ribs. The blow pounded Kayla’s midsection yet, again, but also flattened Tatyana’s body, which took as much of the impact as her trapped opponent.

Dropping her grip, Tatyana collapsed to one knee as Kayla also doubled over, floundering out of the corner. Esmerelda had attacked quickly and both women were feeling the affects, but the Spaniard then quickly wrapped her arm around the hunched Kayla, locking her in a side headlock. She dragged her across the ring, gaining momentum as they went until finally she rammed the top of Kayla’s head into the middle turnbuckle across the ring. Kayla fell to one knee, her body falling across the ropes as Esmerelda then climbed up them, standing above the dazed Kayla before dropping down and smashing her to the canvas.

The Spaniard had clearly overcome the adverse affects of the first match, now sitting atop Kayla’s back in the corner. Tatyana meanwhile began to trudge across the ring and as she reached them, bent down to grab hold of Kayla’s ankles before dragging both the prone Kayla as well as Esmerelda, toward the center. Still seated on Kayla’s back, Esmerelda turned and yelled at her counterpart, telling her to wait until she got up. But Tatyana refused to listen, pulling on Kayla’s legs until they were finally at the midpoint of the ring. She then dropped them, allowing Esmerelda to get up. She quickly confronted the Russian, the two of them toe to toe as they argued. Kayla meanwhile had begun to push herself up onto all fours, prompting her two opponents to cease their argument.

“Come, let’s finish this!” Tatyana barked to the Spaniard.

Esmerelda nodded in agreement as she rolled Kayla onto her back, the two women then each grabbing one of Kayla’s ankles before rolling her legs back up toward her body. Flat on her back, Kayla’s legs were now spread apart as her two opponents’s each coiled one of her legs backward. She tried desperately to wriggle free, but to no avail.

With Esmerelda and Tatyana each standing above her shoulders and clenching hold of her legs, Kayla was spread into a wishbone, her shoulders forced to the canvas. Her two attackers then looked at each other before, in unison, they summoned the ref. But as he approached, Kayla’s head abruptly shot up as she grabbed a handful of hair from each of her assailant’s heads, and with a loud grunt, pulled them together. There was a loud CRACK, as the top of Esmerelda and Tatyana’s head collided. Tatyana quickly dropped to one knee and reached for her scalp, Esmerelda faltering backward in a daze. The crowd roared at the clever attack as Kayla scurried to her feet, ramming a knee into Esmeralda’s gut and doubling her over. She then grabbed her in a side headlock and pulled her over toward Tatyana, repeating the hold on her.

With each of her two opponent’s heads locked on either side of her body, Kayla squeezing them with all of her might, the crowd showered her with applause. She then paused before again pulling her arms together and once more, slamming the heads of her two attackers together. This time Esmerelda sailed backward, falling onto her butt as she massaged the top of her skull. Tatyana meanwhile looked bewildered, though she remained on her feet, clearly distraught.

Kayla rushed over to Esmerelda, kicked her onto her back and then sent a powerful stomp into her slight midsection, pounding on her meager midsection. She then turned and ran to the side ropes before racing at Tatyana and delivering a brutal running clothesline, which sent Tatyana sailing backward before crashing onto her shoulders, her legs curling up into the air before unfolding backward. Kayla then quickly dragged the two of them together, Esmerelda near the center of the ring while Tatyana lay near the ropes. Pushing them close together so that they were shoulder to shoulder, Kayla then jumped down onto them, spreading her legs in midair to drop the back of her thighs against the two women’s chests.

The fans leaped to their feet as the ref moved in, checking both downed women. Satisfied that they were both pinned he began to count. He slapped the mat once, and then a second time, but before he smacked the third time, Tatyana desperately lifted her foot and dropped it onto the bottom rope, unbeknownst to the ref. He then called for the bell to signal the end of the match, the crowd erupting in cheers. Kayla was helped to her feet as Esmerelda rolled onto her side, distraught at having been pinned. Tatyana meanwhile remained on her back, but yelled at the ref that she had placed her foot on the ropes, and as such, voided the pin. The group of Russian fans in the back of the arena also screamed their protests, but the ref had not seen the object of their protests, and so ignored their pleas.

The announcer came into the ring and the ref called him over, voicing the final result. The two began to discuss it before finally the announcer placed the microphone to his mouth and announced the verdict.

“Kayla has pinned both Esmerelda and Tatyana, therefore they are both eliminated and Kayla moves on to the next round!”

By now, most of the fans had realized what had happened and began to boo, but Kayla continued to celebrate, pumping her fists overhead. Esmerelda crawled to the side of the ring, finally accepting her defeat, but Tatyana sat up, shaking her head and yelling at the ref. As Esmerelda made her way back to the locker room however, one of the officials at ringside came up into the ring, and he, the ref and the announcer again huddled. They spoke for over a minute as Kayla and Tatyana looked on, not knowing what would happen. Finally they emerged and the announcer again grabbed the microphone and alerted the crowd.

“Esmerelda was clearly pinned, and therefore is eliminated. However Tatyana had her foot on the ropes, and as such, will become the wild card in the second round! Kayla is still the victor, and will advance to a second round match! We’ll take a short break …. And when we come back …. the final round will begin!”