Angel: Darla

Darla’s newfound soul causes her increasing difficulties coping with life, while Angel remembers the time when he’d first reacquired his.

Outwardly, there’s little here that we didn’t know already. However, it’s the ongoing relationship between Angel and Darla that’s being explored here, showing how the pair’s time together changed over the years, Angel first being the protégée, than surpassing Darla and even telling The Master (in a welcome reappearance) where to get off.

But it’s the later relationship that’s most interesting as Angel becomes cursed and Darla is stuck with what is essentially two unruly children in Spike and Dru, the latter’s madness becoming increasingly annoying. As a delve into Darla’s psyche, it’s marvellous, as we learn what she was before her death and how she therefore relates to men such as Lindsey know she’s human. It all leads to her rescue by Angel and a truly shocking pay-off that shows the condition her mind is in. Whatever happens to her from here on, it’s not going to be pleasant, but it’ll be fascinating to see where it goes.

Superbly written (as ever) and this time directed too by Tim Minear, this is a classy episode that goes just where it ought to, and although there are few surprises, it’s some really powerful drama once again that makes it stand out. Can this series do nothing wrong? It seems not.


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