Seven Days: 'There's Something About Olga'

A woman with an uncanny resemblance to Olga infiltrates Project Backstep, capturing and abusing Parker as she tries to obtain classified information.

This episode actually starts out very dark and sinister, with Justina Vail doing a fine job playing an unhinged Russian woman who thinks Parker is an old lover who mistreated her. Sadly, before long, the whole thing degenerates in a hideous mess, full of plot holes, appalling dialogue and some very odd characterization.

Now admittedly the Backstep team aren't likely to suspect Olga of not being Olga; in fact, if anything they probably believe they've had their fair share of duplicates. However, she asks for every password on the base and 'forgets' how to access her confidential files. Does security mean nothing to these people? Warning bells should sound immediately!

Aside from this, the Olga/Parker material is straight out of Misery and Parker's 'message' to explain his whereabouts is the most stupid and convoluted thing ever. Horribly contrived, badly executed, the idea of Parker healing in the Backstep device is incredibly new and convenient, and the whole thing doesn't even make it to the so-stupid-it's-funny mark. The only reason it's getting one star is that the first five minutes is quite good. Oh, and Ballard has a half-naked lovely in his room, which is quite funny. Hardly much to recommend though.


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