Seven Days: 'A Dish Best Served Cold'

At the birthday party of Mentnor's granddaughter, a mysterious man turns up, who first poisons the kid, then gets Mentnor to take him to Backstep and destroys the sphere with Isaac inside. How can Frank correct history and bring back his friends without Backstep itself?

If you take certain aspects of this story with a pinch of salt, it's very enjoyable. The threat is certainly very real, and when the Backstep is destroyed, you think it's all over. Luckily, there's a convenient new sphere to be had, but at least it's a reasonable solution rather than some clever time travel ploy. You just have to believe that the team can send the sphere from the middle of the jungle considering the power source the thing is meant to have.

Jeff Kober plays one of Backstep's past chrononauts well, with just the right amount of mystery, evil and thirst for revenge without overdoing it. His strange control over weather is more difficult to comprehend, and even more so when Frank tries it, but it does add a different dimension to things.

The main plus here, though, is that this story doesn't steal any elements from films or anywhere else, but instead makes good use not only of the show's history, but also of the characters, with Talmadge for one getting some long-overdue involvement in the story. Hopefully this kind of ensemble playing will give a better flavour of the show.


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