Seven Days: The Backstepper's Apprentice

Frank's backstep to stop the assassination of a priest takes an unusual turn when the sphere passes through a plane which explodes and Frank picks up one of the passengers, a small boy.

Kicking off with a fantastic special effect in which the sphere travels back in time, this story sticks to the more human dimension by following the story of the boy, Morgan, as he realizes he has the chance to change things and save his grandpa from a heart attack. It's good to see the confusing aspects of time travel from another perspective, but the saving of Morgan's grandfather and the resulting rescue of the flight Parker believes he affected all seems too easy, even if it does provide a fun moment in which Frank pretends to be an insane bomber to stop the aircraft going up.

Despite helping Frank escape from the base once more, Olga serves no real function this time around, and although Morgan is a very natural young boy and a good character, he's not really worth basing a whole episode around. On top of this, it's unclear how Morgan manages to travel back in time. Surely he either shouldn'ty have been able to breathe high up in a plane or should have finished up in the sphere with Frank, not at home in bed, a fact never explained. A slightly different and mildly entertaining 45 minutes, but that's about it.


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