Seven Days: X-35 Needs Changing

Frank is sent to find a rescue a kidnapped baby which is the product of a genetic experiment.

There really is nothing to this episode at all. The title pretty much tells you the plot (what other kind of item needs changing?) and it’s totally routine after that. Frank and Olga go to Russia, get the baby, the baby is taken back off them, they escape, someone else tries to get the baby, the pair return home. The fact that the major who is helping them turns out to be one of the people after X-35 is no surprise at all, and the viewer is simply sat waiting for everything to happen that is traditional in stories like this. With everything present and correct, you don’t really need to sit through the whole thing to know what happens.

Even Jonathan LaPaglia and Justina Vail seem to be very bored, with their roles mainly consisting of traipsing through the Russian countryside holding a bundle that clearly doesn’t have a baby inside it. The sub-plot about Olga’s ‘biological clock’ ticking is poorly executed and ultimately pointless, setting up a mildly touching but no less predictable ending. More time is spent with singing than plotting with everything solved by punching and blowing things up. It just comes across as if no-one cares about the episode at all, and with a plot that is almost impossible to develop, it’s no surprise why.


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