Seven Days: The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

When a destroyer and Japanese submarine are destroyed by each other, Frank backsteps in an attempt to avert a war.

The best kind of Seven Days episode is one with high stakes, and this one certainly has them, alongside the odd moment of stock footage for some reason. It's almost a three-hander between the Melville's commanding officer, Keagle, Admiral Newman and Frank as Parker tries to avert a disaster without being able to tell anyone on board the ship how he knows what's about to happen. Frank has been partnered up with someone in most episodes this season, and seeing him cut off from assistance by water brings to mind some of the better episodes of season one. It's good to see him using his brain and powers of persuasion rather than just punching people out for a change.

Although the story of an admiral gone a bit loopy is similar to season one's Last Breath and indeed the film Crimson Tide, the tension is effectively teased out, making the viewer wonder whether Frank can stop a disaster occurring. The actor playing Newman is very good and helps considerably by carefully playing a man sinking deeper into madness. Early on there are some unusual approaches to charaterization that don't ring true, such as Keagle being annoyed with Frank for countermanding her order despite the fact that it's saved her being responsible for blowing up a plane full of civilians. Then there's the weapons officer, who has stern words for his commander after this event, but is later keen to fire at anything that moves. However, aside from these occasional odd moments, this is a very adult and exciting episode that makes you wonder just how close we may have come to war due to misunderstandings or a desire on the part of a commander to do what he thinks is right.


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