Introduction: The Anime series, Neon Genesis of Evangelion by Gainax, starts off in the year 2000. In the year 2000, the “second impact” occurs and wipes out half the world. After 15 years of preparing and learning the human race builds Tokyo 3 and an underground base called Nerv (later in the series explains how they do this and why). This base is the line of defensive against Alien beings named “Angels”. Nerv houses biological robots, which, is built for the soul reason to confront these “Angels”, and the biological robots are called “Eva”. The “Eva’s” need pilots and that’s where three 15 years old teenagers step in. Rei is pilot to Eva-00 (orange/blue), Shinji is pilot to Eva-01 (purple) and Asuka is pilot to Eva-02 (red). With help of the Nerv crew which, is made up of Misato, Maya, Gendou, Ritsuko and Fuyusuki and the semi-important characters, the pilots try to defeat the “Angels”. Between the battles, we see how each character has his/her problems and how they deal with it. Like Shinji not getting along with his father and make friends easy. This part of the show is what makes it a little crazy to say the least and very interesting. Hope this interests you to go watch the show.