A Clear Peaceful Path

Going through life
Many different roads to choose
Some we know for the signs are clear
With others that leave us confused

As with driving on a long journey
At times we are lost from one to the next
Miles pass beneath us another moment in time
The maps seem to change with every new step

Bring all to a stop
Look all around
Toss the map out the window
Let it fall to the ground

Now start a new journey
As I have with mine
Enjoy life to the fullest
Waste not a second of time

Take each day a new
Hear all the sounds
Thankful for the life you have
All the friends you have found

Choose your own path in life
Never again do it their way
They lead you down roads
They lead you astray

I now follow my heart
Down the one road I seek
To have met you in the crossing
Here these words that I speak

To my new friend
Whom I met on the net
Tells me the road that I follow
Is truly the best

My eyes now open
My mind now clear
Holding my true friend's close
Holding them dear

Danny Wells ©