Image compliments of THE SECRET PLACE send someone you love a card of passion

The winds fill with the change of season
As the sounds of the streets seem to take a turn
The mood of the people is the best
The log's in fireplaces start to burn

The lights are dimmed and hearts burn bright
As we gather with one whom we love the most
The smiles we see and the touch of our hands
With a glass of wine we sit so close

The fire it dances as our souls are set free
Embers burning of a warm soft glow
Our eyes fixed deep within the others
Kissing the soft lips of the one we love so

Music so soft it seems to melt us from within
You tilt your head looking down at your feet
I lift your chin then softly touch your cheek
Feeling so blessed having you with me

Its then we kiss with the passion within
We fall back on the blanket as I lay by your side
Caressing your soft warm flesh
It is then I hear you let out a soft sigh

You on your back and I on my side
As soft as a feather I touch your face
The feel of your soft full lips
Your smile so great

Down your cheek and over your eyes
Then down your nose to your sweet lips
Your chin then your neck
To the top of your chest as I lean giving you a kiss

You raise your arm around my neck
Lifting slightly from the floor
As our kiss releases our passion so deep
Feeling our love as never before

Waking alone in my bed
I lay thinking of this dream
A feeling of peace inside my soul
My heart filled with love only for thee

Is this a glimpse of times to come
Or is it a fantasy I do seek
For the night we sit in each others arms
Sharing our love that runs so deep

Danny Wells ©