Oh dear - no Java!!!!

Our hearts they say to open our arms
Our brain tells us to keep them to our side
When we feel a love that is new
Being so very hard to decide

To a soul you have searched for
Through the many years of grief
To be led down yet another path
With eyes open still not able to see

Your heart to touch another
Should it be or should it pass
To give of all we are
In hopes it is a love that lasts

We sort it from within
As the war rages on
To lift up all the doors
Or keep them tight to the ground

To live our life as happy as can be
Holding hands as we dance
The fear of falling once more
By taking another chance

In this war we seem to never win
Which do we listen to the most
Is it our mind or our heart
Keeping faith in the one we hold so close

The war must come to a stop
If we are ever to know
If the soul we have searched for
Is the one that has told

Those words of I Love You
From their heart to yours
I feel our hearts must take control
For the brain only makes it a chore

With the love that has come your way
open your heart for the chance
To find true happiness in the life we live
We must never turn down the dance

Danny Wells ©