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July 1, 2003 next day's entry
Hours at Work:  8:45am - 5:30pm

I'm not going to go into every detail of work today, but basically... our test setup wasn't working properly until after lunch, so we wasted a lot of time today just testing and re-testing trying to get everything to work.

Between runs, we just sit around and chat most of the time, or contemplate why the measurement's not working.

Lindsay left early in the afternoon... surprise...Oh wait... and she was late too.

Anyway, there was the weekly lab meeting today... which I found rather interesting and easier to comprehend than normal.  Pamela gave a talk on information theory... which really was a discussion of probability and information entropy...

After that meeting was over, it was getting on towards 6 so we left... not an overly exciting day, but I think it was withstandable!  :)

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