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July 8, 2003 next day's entry
Hours at Work:  9:30am - 5:00pm

Well, we ran a test or two first thing this morning but then a bunch of high school aged people came into the lab.  It was a summer program called E2 - a camp to get girls interested in engineering.  Anyway, we had come up with several stations and the group of girls was divided so they could rotate to all the different stations.  Me and Maria had a station where we showed them a resistor and tested the IV characteristic... if given the value of the slope of the line they could figure out the value of the resistor (V=IR).

Anyway, that took up an hour or so.  And then we went back to testing and then to lunch at the dairy.

After lunch, we ran more tests and more tests.  There wasn't the weekly lab meeting (yay for a change).  We all left around 5 and then I met up with my mom and aunt.  They came up to visit for a few days this week.

We went to dinner at Bennigan's.  And then I drove them around the area a bit... showed them some stuff on campus and where the metro station was, since they'll be doing touring on their own for the next few days while I'm at work.

They brought my guitar too!  :)  yay

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