
Here's how a part looks before curing.

It's kind of dark, but this is what it looks like while it's curing.

A closer view, but still not any better. Sorry about that.

Here's a much better picture. That was supposed to be a basecoat of "almost chrome, but turned out to be clear." I mixed the labels up on the boxes.

Here's a good view of the lamp.

This is the one I messed up on. I thought that was chrome, but it was actually clear. Clear base coats don't work very well. ;)

Here's a closeup. Man that would have looked nice... too bad it's clear instead of chrome.

Looking good!

I haven't moved the lamp yet and it's almost cured the whole piece.

It's a little hotter than needed, so a shorter curing time was used. The instructions call for 375-400 deg F for 10-15 minutes.