Midi Sampler Files

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The files linked below are from several sources: The 1991 Revision of the Sacred Harp,  the B.F. White Sacred Harp  (the Cooper or Blue Book,) the Southern Harmony, the Christian Harmony 1873, the Harmonia Sacra and various other shapenote or old roundnote songbooks and hymnals. Please keep in mind that midis in no way come close to the beauty apparent in these tunes when a whole room full of people sing them with love and gusto.


Kershaw (Harmonia Sacra)

Lischer (Charles S. Robinson, A Selection of Spiritual Songs, 1878)



Clarington (John R. Daily, Primitive Baptist Hymn & Tune Book, n.d. [1918])

Female Pilgrim (Harmonia Sacra)

The Last Words of Copernicus

New Jordan

Dove of Peace (Southern Harmony)

Eternal Day

Voice of Warning (Harmonia Sacra


Sweet By and By (Cooper Book)

Babylon Is Fallen

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