Mrs. Faulhaber    Room 202     Bullitt Lick Middle School    
We are an eighth grade class. We have class pets to take care of and other school responsibilities.Of course we have school work also which makes for a very busy day!

Left to right: Mrs. Clark, Mark,  Mrs. Faulhaber, Clayton, Austin, Nick, and Jenny
Welcome to Mrs. Faulhaber's homeroom webpage.    This page is created and up-dated by the students and their friends.
Related Links:
       Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis

We chose this book because the movie comes out in May.  We hope to go see it on a school field trip.

Upcoming events
Class pets
Class Scrapbook

1)  Who is the character who gets
       thrown out of the boat?

2)  What happened to Prince Caspian's

3)  Did King Miraz have any children?

4)  What castle ruins did Peter, Susan,
      Edmund and Lucy find?

5)  What gift was missing from the
      ancient treasure house?

6)  What did the children find to eat on
      the island?

7)  What did the children find near the
      old well?

8)  Where did the children find some-
      thing to drink?
Students are working hard to increase their reading skills.  Please have your child read one book aloud per week at home.  Also, read to your child frequently.