I can't really write about just one nightmare I have had since they wouldnt be long enough, but I will write about a few.

The first nightmare I can remember is me being chased through a factory by a huge monster. The factory was all green and there was slime everywhere. I keep running away for what seems like hours, the monster always one step behind. I finally get to some stairs that I run down and I seem to be loosing it. When I get to the bottom of the stairs, there it is. This goes on until the monster is close enough to breath down my neck and then I wake up.

Another nightmare I used to have was set at my friends house. I would be there and all of the sudden all these monsters would pop out and I would have be running around the house dodging whatever they threw at me. They would try and cut me or bite me but I would always get away. This would go on for awhile until I finally get to the door and bash it open. I quickly hop onto my bike and ride away and then I wake up.

I can't really remember any other nightmares I have had. I can't even really remember these in detail. Dreams are weird like that, at least for me. I can only really remember them for about 20 minutes after I wake up then they start getting hazy.