This is it, the last thing I will ever write for high school. This will also be the end of my second time taking expository writing. The class was still fairly hard for me because writing isn't my strong point. I did like the course better this time around though. It was a little bit more work, but I felt it was more structured and that helped me out alot. I was actually really stressed about whether or not I would pass the class.

I wrote many things during the time I was in the class and its hard to call one essay better than another, but I had the most fun writing the process analysis essay. Mine was about how to eat pizza and I really liked how it came out. I just wrote whatever I could think of and it all came together and became a good essay. The piece of writing that I liked the least was the personal narrative. This is mainly because I am not good at writing about myself. Theres nothing wrong with the essay itself, it is me who had the problem with it because as I said before, writing about myself isn't my strong point.

I can't really think of anything to make the class better except for maybe lowering the work load alittle, at times it was overwhelming. But overall there isn't much that can be changed without taking away from the course. On a side note, a good addition to Schreiber's literature curriculum would be the book "Me Talk Pretty One Day" by David Sedaris. Its a little controversial, but I think the school can handle it, most people are fairly open minded.

All in all i feel the course was fairly good even though I didn't do so well.