The real person behind the maddness

Me. In Ireland. January, 2002.

Vital Stats

Birthdate: February 1980
Birthplace: Spokane, Washington
Current res: Oregon

MOO History

Tamber is my 9th character on Harper's Tale, and yet currently the oldest. All who came before him have been reaped or nuked for various reasons. I was introduced to HT my freshman year of college (1998) by, of all people, my dad. He stumbled across it and thought I'd be someone who would actually play on something like a MOO. He was right.

My first characters were horrendously twinkish. If I recall correctly the first pair were girls named Delaina and Aviva. After a three month hiatus from the game (during which time they were reaped, I created Evander, my first male character, and stuck him with the Miners at Blacksands. Summer came and I didn't have internet at home so, rather than let Evander get reaped, I put him up for adoption. Next I created a child char and fostered him to Yiddea, a brownrider at Ista. Unfortunately, she was often idle and I was still a twink. I made 2 new characters for myself: Delaina#2. Fostered at Keroon, she was tons of fun and quickly attached herself to Jessa, starting the Keroon Under the Tavern Table play-weyr one day in the midst of some ridiculous RP that had the two girls getting under everyone's feet in the Hold tavern. The other char, Twen, joined the guards. I made her a daughter, Tyleet, who became a messenger. Twen got renamed Cassana, and then I handed her over to my RL sister who named her Jylina *Whew* Tyleet got reaped, Delaina I @nuked when she hit 13. [side note: Twen has since been recreated and is a nanny at the Minehold.]

After that I took some time off from HT. When I came back about 6 months later I was in much better form. I created Dovina, got her some IC family, and stuck her at Gar. Then I created Tamber (had to get around to him eventually). I posted to *family-requests and got a few responses, but fell instantly in love with Derina and her little family. I became an insta-child, ICly her second and a birth-son. The family moved from Paradise to the Tillek Minehold a few weeks after that (Tamber was 7). I was still a bit shy RPing with strangers, but my IC sister, Jesiya, and Derina helped draw me out. Time flew and soon Tamber was 11. Jesiya had run off to the StarCraft, but I already knew what I wanted to do with Tamber, keep him at the MineHold. I got Jossie as my mentor, and worked quickly towards my senior apprenticeship. To this day I adore the journeywomen and masters of the Minecraft. They are all awesome and I think our craft is one of the best kept secrets on HT!

I never seriously thought about applying to be a dragonrider because I thought myself too...uncool. I still had this glamorous notion about the people who became 'riders. But then Dominicke, an IC friend, told me he was applying and I should do it with him. Holding his hand, I took the plunge. REALLY, REALLY scary! Unless you've applied, you have no idea how scary SearchCo can be. I couldn't tell how things were going: if they liked me, if they hated me...I'd never met ANY of these people before!

I guess things went pretty well, because before long I was Searched. D'renn and Trydanth swept me away to High Reaches Weyr in a flurry of RP that was typically Tamber (getting into trouble for something). I was a pretty quiet candidate at first, but the others warmed me up. Hiliza and Xaner particularly. Candidacy flew by, the Hatching dragged and flew by at the same time, and lo and behold, they gave me Farleth Needless to say, I realized I was in love- with High Reaches. And now, although I still miss the Miners, I cannot imagine T'am being anywhere else. Ever.

My infamous kitty, Gabriel Logan (he's much bigger now), Gabe is a big fan of HT.
Want to see more of him? C'mon, you know you do! He's so cute! Check out
this page!