'Rocky Raccoon' was a musical Western, written by Paul while in India. Set in the mountains of Dakota, it tells the tale of young Rocky whose girl, Nancy Magill, runs off with Dan. Rocky pursues Dan and attempts to shoot him down but is beaten to the draw. Afterwards, Rocky is treated in his hotel room by a doctor stinking of gin. "We were sitting on the roof at Maharishi's just enjoying ourselves when I wrote this one," says Paul. "I started laying the chords and originally the title was 'Rocky Sassoon'. Then me, John and Danovan started making up the words and they came very quickly and eventually it became Rocky Raccoon because it sounded more cowboyish."

Apple Scruff, Margo Bird, heard that the character of the doctor was drawn from real life. "Paul had a moped which he came off one day in May 1966. He was a bit stoned at the time and cut his mouth and chipped his tooth," she says. " The doctor that came to treat him was stinking of gin and because he was a bit worse for wear he didn't make a very good job of the stitching which is why Paul had a nasty lump on his lip for a while."

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