History of the Club

Rotary Club of Alleppey East was started with 21 charter members and was admitted to the Rotary International on 5th August, 1974.  Governors Special Representative Rtn. Past President late Dr. M.S. Ramachandran of Rotary Club of Alleppey was ably assisted by Rtn. Past President Perumal Jacob in organising and getting the club chartered and the charter was presented on 11th October, 1974 by then Dist. Governor PHF. Rtn. Donald Vijiwardence of Sri Lanka.  Late Rtn. N. Narayana Swami was the Charter President and Rtn. Prof. Jacob Thomas the Chartered Secretary.

Once initiated, the club never looked back, enthusiasm was building and we could secure many district awards.  it was more a family club with absolute fraternal feelings with Anns and Annets participating in dinner meeting, a unique feature until that time unheard of in Rotary.

During all these twenty six years of our existence the members individually and collectively had taken part in the socio-economic and cultural spheres of our small town very actively.  some of the major involvements are:

The completion and opening of the bus waiting shelter in S.D. College campus on the National Highway in the year 1975.  Adoption of families in particular area for one full year and continued relief measures for the entire year- a novel idea taken up by many other service organizations lately.

Family get together meetings every month hosted jointly by Rotarians.  Special emphasis on the exhibition of slides depicting 'Four way Test' in local cinema theaters

Community marriages of 21 couples, mostly kith and kin of those fishermen, who lost their life in the Vadakkal Canoe tragedy in 1977.

As a means of self employment sewing machines distribution to the deserving with Bank assistance.

Active involvement in the National afforestation programme even before the idea of ecological balance, a current topic of special interest.

Adult literacy centres initiated as early as in 1979.

Registration of East Rotary Charities and construction of a Rotary Community Hall highlighted the President ship of PP PT Cherian, the only president, who has served two full terms in the club.

Recognizing and felicitating the school and college union leaders.

Sponsorship of Rotaract and Interact Clubs.

Construction of a Cubicle to Alleppey Balahavan at Balabhavan Compound.

The eldest member in the club today, PP TV Sreedharan had been adjudged as the best president in the zone during 1992-93.

Two Bore well projects were taken up completed and handed over to the beneficiaries at Poonkavu Govt. School and Rehabilitation housing colony at Aryad during the tenure of PP Babu J Ponnuran as the President.

Year 1995-96 saw the Club bagging 11 Awards at the District level.  During the recent years, the outstanding projects included Eye Camp, setting up of Job Bank which provided employment to more than 85 unemployed youth, foundation of New Rotaract  at St. Joseph's College, setting up of RVC at Komalapuram and training to 20 students for 6 months under the "Better Youth, Better Tomorrow" Project.

Housing Project for the underprivileged conceived by PP Sankaranarayanan paved the way for proving decent shelters for a number of fishermen community. 

Mass immunization against Hepatitis B virus was a successful programme for community health implemented during the president ship of PP Azad Babu. The District level Foundation Seminar and the hosting of District Assembly on 16-05-99 during the silver jubilee year  were the other highlights of the year.

President Cyriac Jacob was at the helm of affairs as President 2000 during which year n extension of the Charities Hall was undertaken.

Maximum number of distribution of artificial limbs to the handicapped was the highlight of the year  while Rtn. Gireesan was the President (2000-01).

A new Rotaract Club was formed under the leadership of Rtn. G. Anil Kumar (2001-02)

The Club bagged a number of awards during the tenure of  Air Cmde. VV Nair. V.M., including the Awards for Best Secretary of the District by Rtn. Joseph Anthrapper and Out standing service for Rtn. Baby Kumaran.

Charter member, PP NCJ Rajan is actively participating in the activities of the club. The strength of the club has swelled to 55 including two Honorary members, PDG Revi Karunakaran and PHF. Mythili Venugopal. See the list of members