Besides the 38 remedies there is one other that Dr Bach made up to assist as a Rescue Remedy. Many people carry this in their car in case of emergencies, and it has been stated that a number of Doctors find this useful to have at hand should an emergency arise. The Rescue Remedy contains five basic remedies. They are the star of Bethlehem, used for shock; rock rose for terror and panic; clematis for faintness; impatiens for undue agitation; and cherry plum for loss of self control and hysteria. This remedy may be purchased from the local drug store (chemist shop). Four drops of this on the patient's tongue should be applied. Failing this apply to the forehead or wrist.

One other remedy I have found useful for patients who have difficulty adjusting to life's situations, such as loss of a job or intense depression is one I call Lackadaisical. It is made up using the essences of gorse, wild rose, and aspen.

Two other remedies that are used to help in meditating are Phase 1 and Phase 2. The first, Phase 1 is made from larch, mustard, agrimony, and aspen; whilst Phase 2 is aimed at being more intense and consists of sweet chestnut, chicory and elm.

Should you need to consider using an aromatherapy oil burner I would suggest mixing rosemary, chestnut bud, tansy and peppermint oils...especially if you are studing as this helps with the memory.

In considering the above Bach remedies it may prove beneficial to use an affirmation for each of these. The following are:

Rescue Remedy: I remain balanced, calm and totally soothed in mind and body. I feel fully awake and free to realise all of my ideals. Accepting my immortality with unshakeable courage I surrender to the wisdom of the prime creator.

Lackadaisical: I love life, accepting it's ups and downs, both with enthusiasm and interest. I look forward to life's experiences, with the knowledge of the universal love within me, filled with courage and inner strength.

Phase 1: I have the confidence of my faith, joy, and courage; and the serenity, inner strength, and peace of mind to accept myself peacefully and honestly. To these life experiences I respond creatively, as I know universal love is within all, and that I am moving towards the light.

Phase 2: I am sensitive to, and respect, the individuality of others. I know the ultimate source of peace, and surrender to the transformative process, as I release the burden of perfectionistic striving. This allows the source of universal love within me, and the power of the light, to permit this work to be channelled through me.

"What right have you, O passer-by-the-way,

To call any flower a weed?

Do you know it's merits, virtues, healing qualities?

Because a thing is common, shall you despise it?

If so, you might as well despise the sun for the same reason."
