Jibajabba Page
Quipster proclaimed:
      Hugest Spot fan
      Owner of Gabe
      Genie of the NML (Actully...Jersey proclaimed...shh)
      Owner of Spot's prettiful blue eyes
      Most typical FBer with "Good Story"
      Most likely to be sitting by the couch with a poster of Gabe
      Owner of the most Newsie signs
      Nicest of the Toledo NMLers
      Least likely to say anything mean
      Biggest lurker of the Toledo NMLers
      Most Angelic of the Toledo NMLers
      Least likely to read her E-Mails
      Most likely to have stalkers
      Wearer of Spot's key
Proud Member of:
       The I Read Quipster's Stories Club
       Newsies Mailing List
       T.A.R.K. Control
       The I Recruit My Cousin Club
       The My Cousin Looks Like Davie Club
Spot's Key
A picture of Spot...for he is cool! And Katie owns Gabe...and Spot is close...
Because Jibajabba is an Angel...and I say that because she is...I'm not hitting on her!
Katie is the NML Genie and grants wishes to cool people!
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