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Things For Inner Children

Mkat's picture of her and a tree and a cat and a bird

Please have fun while accessing these links

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These links provide us with a way to give our inner children a place to escape from the struggle of recovery from sexual violence. It is a way for those parts of ourselves to relieve a little stressand just be a kid and have fun for a little bit.

Finger Paint

1 cup water 1/2 cup sugar 1 cup flour 3 cups boiling water 1 tbsp. boric acid powder coloring Mix 1 cup water, sugar, and flour together until smooth. Bring the 3 cups water to a boil. Add the flour mixture to the boiling water and cook until thick. Add the boric acid and coloring. Store in refrigerator up to two months.

Kool-Aid Play Dough

1 cup flour 2 Tablespoons cream of tartar 2 packets non-sweetened Kool-aid in the same color 1/4 cup salt 1 teaspoon oil 1 cup water Mix together in a medium pot. Stir over medium heat until a ball of play dough forms. Remove from heat and knead. Store in a plastic bag in the refridgerator.

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copyright 1996-2000 Mollykat (mollykat@piglet.asarian.org)

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