This is where it all began..... a wonderful site that assisted thousands of women going through infertility treatments and options. One woman tells her story and reasons for starting this wonderful "club".

"As told by Brenda (IVF Connections Webmaster)"

IVF Connections was created after my first unsuccessful IVF cycle. I wanted to find a way to turn my negative result into a positive experience that could help others going through IVF. In building this web site, I hope to create a place where we can support each other and share information about our IVF experiences. Please always consult your doctor before using any information available on this web site. IVF Connections is free for all of its users. If you would like to help out in other ways, please check out our Support and Sponsors Page for opportunities to make this web site grow.

My struggle with infertility ...
Our journey to start a family began in August 1997. A year later I was diagnosed with bilateral hydrosalpinges (blocked and fluid-filled fallopian tubes), a condition which makes natural conception virtually impossible. We were stunned to learn that IVF or adoption were our only options to have children. We proceeded with 2 IVF cycles and 2 frozen embryo cycles. All of them failed and I began to lose hope that we would ever have children. We did more research on my condition and found that success rates for IVF seemed to be higher when hydrosalpinges are removed. We felt that we had nothing to lose, so I had the laparoscopy to remove them. One month later we transferred our remaining frozen embryos. Our miracle baby Nicolas was born nine months later. He is worth every injection, every retrieval and every tear I shed on his behalf. To read a more detailed version of my story click here.

Thanks ...
I would like to thank my original Nov/Dec IVF group (1998) whose support and input inspired this web site. I would also like to thank our ever faithful dog Bella who licked away my tears when the going got rough. I would especially like to thank my husband for his love, patience and technical support. This web site would not have been possible without him. I dedicate this site to all of the IVF cycle buddies that I have shared my IVF journey with.