
For several years, the Maya have been increasingly coming to Our Attention through the News Media, Books, Television and InterNet. Due to the Conflicts inherent in any Society undergoing profound Change, it is often difficult to gain access to Factual and Timely Information on the Conditions and Undercurrents taking place in this Dynamic Fusion of Ancient Cultures and Modern Technology.

Many Modern "Myths" have sprung up, just like Mushrooms in the Night and just as Fleeting in their Vogue. While none of Us would wish to Supress Artistic, Poetic and Literary License; I don't believe that Anyone would willingly take part in a Blatant Mis-Information Campaign pretending to Speak for Living People who have a Voice and an important Message for the Troubled World that We Live In. This is one of the Needs We Propose to Address with this Page.

The nearness of the December 21, 2012 has caused many People to Sense an Impending Atmosphere of Approaching Doom, when it is actually the Division Point between one "Great Cycle" of Time and a New Era. Perhaps the Grandiose Millennium "Flop" caused by all of the Y2K Hype will, in turn Focus some well-deserved Interest on Who the Maya really are, What they bring to the Table and What this can mean for You & I.

UKUSH MAYAB is a Maya Kiche phrase meaning “Essence” and the "Maya Region, People, Culture and History". [both Oral and Written] Recently, Multi-Disciplinary Scientists working in Maya Studies have “cracked” the Writing System and opened up massive amounts of previously misunderstood aspects of the Classic Maya. Because there exist today Maya Writers who are involved in the Unbroken Chain of Tradition that reaches back to the Transitional Period of the Post Classic, I feel it is Important [and hopefully interesting] to Present Their Thoughts, Studies, Reflections and Core Concepts to the World via the InterNet and the W3. Because I believe that it is neither Necessary nor Useful to define Ancient Cultures in terms of First World Concepts and Vocabulary, the Writers are permitted to Speak for Themselves, even though there are times when Translating these Ideographs and Spiritual Imagery is difficult to frame within the Limitations of a rapidly evolving Modern English.

Kuinik Taik is also a Maya Kiche phrase meaning “to be able” and “to hear, request, ask”. Although this is not a proper usage within Maya Grammar, [chaining infinitives] it does appear to convey to People; both Maya and non-Maya alike; that Working Together, We can resolve problems through Enhanced Communications and Mutual Understanding. When I speak of “We”, I not only include My Own Cultural and National Affiliations; but also to mean that I have endeavored to Enable Participation in the Maya Community of Momostenango so that they can express their Needs, Ideas and Dreams in a way that Volunteers and Individual Philanthropists can grasp. Bridging their Rural Poverty to Pass Beyond the Apartheid Exclusion that prevents Educational and Economic Opportunities, Human Rights Recognition and Democratic Participation; so that with the Tools and Resources that exist in such abundance where We Live : the Words, Art, Poetry and Music of Today's Maya can find a Place in Our “World”.

I would like to suggest that One Reason for Supporting this Program, mainly through Participating as a Volunteer, is that Our First World Economy is based Entirely upon Growth : without Expanding the Client/Production base, [and the Required Educational Foundations] We can expect to prepare Ourselves for a VERY bumpy ride on the Wall Street Transit System during the Next Decade. Through Crop Diversification, Education at All Levels, Medical Infrastructure and Computer Competencies; the Latin American “Third World” can Emerge as this Decade’s Growth Industry Leaders in Technology. I believe that it is not necessary to abandon One’s Mother Culture or Religion in order to use a Computer and Plant Viable Commercial Crops. Technology is not a Stranger to the Maya. They just haven't tried to Separate it's Spiritual Essence from their View of the Universe.

This Web Page has, over the last couple of years of its existance, grown into a phenomenon having all of the characteristics of a Living Being. It hasn't attracted any serious Financial Interest, which is appropriate, as would befit a Purely Amateur Effort on the part of an Inexperienced Writer and Editor; namely Myself.

Like Raising a Child, [or being raised by Myself] I find Myself discovering Facets of Identity that are only revealed upon Their Development through Growth and Self-Expression. Since my arrival in Guatemala over nine years past, I have undergone a Process of Transformation that has allowed me to grow into a Vibrantly Alive Community, something denied most First World Citizens for all their Worldly Advantages. Beginning as a Child, blindly stumbling through a World of Wonder and Terror, Layers of Truth and Understanding have gradually Unfolded before my Opening Eyes.

Grandiose Visions gained through Chemical Traumas rarely result in a Profound Insight that Benefits Humanity as a Whole : Those Encountered through Privation and Pain generally Enrich Only the Individual; so that further Personal and Social Development is Required through a Lengthy Period of Assimilation for any given Society to Progress beyond Our Present : “Me First and Only” Stage.

Political and Humanitarian Concerns aside, there is currently a Movement within the Pan-Maya Region; [the MAYAB] an Emerging Intellectual Undergound, Arising [as it were] from the Ashes of an Armed Epoch : During which Peaceful, Illiterate Farmers who had never heard of either “Das Kapital” or “Mein Kampf”, much less “The Communist Manifesto”; were accused by Various ParaMilitary Groups of Collaborating with “The Enemy”. [one of which had seized control of the Government through a CIA Funded “Coup d’Etat”] Many of these "Insurgents" were Neighbors seeking to Escape a Relentlessly Enforced Poverty.

Subjected to the Horrors of Genocide,
These Families have endured Religious Persecution and Cultural Repression
with Remarkable Tenacity and Courage.

One Clear Question then Emerged, nearly simultaneously in the Minds of these Maya :

“Why ?”

Once the Shock, Terror, Emotional Scars and the Fear of Senseless Reprisals Passed for a Brief Moment, One Thing came clear :

“Because of Who We Are.”

Defining this Identity then became the Task and Life’s Work of many Independent, yet Culturally Unified Individuals; and Considering the Traumatic Events surrounding this Cultural Awakening and the Fact that the Provocateurs are still Alive and In Power, this is still a Risky and somewhat Dangerous Advocacy. This Selfless Committment to Maintain, Promote and Revitalize an Ancient Culture and Religion has captured My Interest and Attention, leading to the Creation of this Portal Site.

It is My Joy and Priveledge to Bow Out at this Point and Present their Labor
and Message to You; the Representatives of the Universe.

Kermit Frazier ; Editor
UKUSH MAYAB : The Essential Maya Reader

This Page is maintained by a Wild Land Fire Fighter working for the US Forest Service in the Santa Fe National Forest. All Opinions are Subjective from My Own Personal Point of View and Biases as Referenced to My Own Personal Experiences in Life.