MOMS ClubŪ of
Dyer/St. John, IN
Chapter History 

MOMS ClubŪ was started in the fall of 1983 by our founder, Mary B. a stay-at-home mother.  The first local chapter was in Simi Valley, CA.  Word spread about the wonderful support that the MOMS ClubŪ offered at-home mothers and we became a national organization in 1985 and an International one in 1996.  The first MOMS Club in Lake County, IN  was the MOMS ClubŪ of Highland/Schererville, founded in September of 2001 by Cristy S. of Highland.  After four years of amazing growth, they have sistered into several chapters.  The MOMS ClubŪ of Dyer/St. John, IN was founded in November 2005 and supports stay-at-home and part-time employed mothers in Dyer and St. John.

For the past 40 years, mothers have been told that the only path worth following is to return to work as soon as possible after the birth of their children.  We believe that all mothers should choose for themselves the path that is right for them.

The MOMS ClubŪ was designed specifically to help at-home mothers overcome the challenges unique to them.  We accept your chosen profession -- staying home to raise your children -- and applaud it!  Activities are scheduled during the day when you need the support most.  You can participate and bring your children along!
Our mothers can truly network with other at-home mothers -- within the chapter, locally with sister chapters, and at the state and regional levels.  Networking is as important for mothers-at-home as it is for any business person.  With the MOMS ClubŪ, our members have the opportunity to share ideas, concerns and inspiration!

We hope MOMS ClubŪ of Dyer/St. John, IN
is just what you're looking for!

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