Art Page!
Hello and welcome to my art page!  These are images I have done, either by request or just cuz I wanted to.  If you like my art and want me to do a drawing for ya, I'll have a commissions page up soon!
TMNT Art!--My pics of those 4 cute turtles, sometimes with Mona.  These are in no real order, so some are old and some are newer...some are color and some aren't...I just kinda stuck them up at random.  I may organize someday, but for ya go.
Thoughtful Raph: Won a TMNT fanart award for this one!  He's SO CUTE!
Death of Raphael:  This one won a TMNT fanart award too, and is based on a fan fic written by Kim Garvin.  I don't think it's very good, but some people did I guess, heh heh.
After Flight:  A way too cutesy pic of Mona and Don snuggling, base on RPG from #TSL.
Fight: A muscular study of Raph (left) and Leo fighting nude.  Semi-inspired by the fic "Brotherly Love".  Hmm...a bit of tension maybe?
Kissies: I pic of Mona and Don sharing a kiss...eesh I have way too many of these sappy drawings based on #TSL RP heh heh.
Leo and Don: A REALLY old pic of Leo and Don...I think this is one of the first pics I ever scanned, heh that's why it's so bad.
Mike SprayArt: One of several pieces I did using just the spraypaint tool on the Paint program that comes with Windows.
Sleepy: A pic of  Don, Mona and Mike laying together sleeping, based on #TSL RP...there is safety in numbers you know heh heh.
Pouty Raph: A pic of the guys--from left to right, Mike, Raph, Leo and Don--watching Raph be all pouty (and SO cute in my opinion).
Leo Nightmare: Also made with Paint, and also inspired by Kim Garvin's fic, and my fav sprayart pic.
Raph Sprayart: The Raph pic I did using Paint.
Tub Raph: ...mmmmmmmmmmm....what more can I say?
Doorway with fire: A pretty cool pic I did of Mona and Raph while I was teaching myself how to use photoshop.
Donnie Sprayart:  The Donnie pic done using Paint.  I think this is my least fav, but eh, what can ya do?
Attack: A pic of Mona and Raph getting attacked by some bad mutants, based on my 2nd fic, ZeroPoint.
Boys...Oy:  A silly pic of (from left to right) Don, Mona, Leo, Raph, and Mike, sitting around and enjoying the smell of Mona while she's in heat.  Also #TSL RP based.
Protecitve: Don and Mona standing protective of each other.
Dream: This one is a bit on the adult side, and show Mona and a Turtle in an erotic dream embrace.
*I have more TMNT art floating around I'm sure, I'll post it when I find it, heh heh.*
These little things are so fun and easy!  If you are looking for a custom doll I do those!  I specialize in non-human dolls, like you see below.
Tiny Mona doll--so small and adorable!
FWL_MeRc Doll
Mona Doll Lauralite Doll
Mona White dress  Doll
TurtleNinja Doll
FreeFall Doll Jinny (REAL me) Doll
KyaKye Doll
*More to come I'm sure!*
Char Art!--Drawings of My chars, Mostly Mona, but some of KyaKye and Lauralite.
Mona Pics--Mona is my main character, I use her the most in my RPs thus she is also the one I draw the most.  She is really my FIRST char and will always hold a special place in my heart.
This page is under constant construction!  ...Ouch!

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