Name: Trizdan Kon
Gende: Male
Age: 18
D.O.B: November 4
Blood Type: O-
Weight:150 lbs
Height: 5'10"
Appearance: Red-Blond Hair, Blue-eyes, Strongly built
Favorite Food: Spagetti
Least Favorite Food: Peas
Favorite Animal: Dragon
Hobbies: Sketching and Swordfighting
Ambition: To be a great sword-figher
Family: none
Weapon(s): Battleaxe, Long-sword, Crossbow
Favorite Color: blue, green, black
Favorite Song: I stand alone
Favorite Subject: none
Least Favorite Subject: All
Worst Fear: Snakes
Rank: Dragonrider level 3
Home City: Clemin
Personality: He is an introvert.His only friends are Adori and his dragon
Trizdnas's parents died on a sample world mission when he was 15. He has lived aone ever since.

Name: Iye
Age: 2
D.O.B: 28 April
Weight: 952 lbs
Height: 9'2"
Color: Black and Green
Personality: He is hot-tempered and quick to anger
History: He choose Trizdan at 6 months old and rode with him until his death.
Deceased: Died During World Mission 163261: Artic Planet
of Pnemonia.