BismAllah - hir - Rahman - nir - Rahim
Enes Ibn Malik reports that a Bedouin came to the Messenger of Allah and greeted him in the mosque.
The Messenger of Allah asked him where did he come from. The Bedouin said:
"I came from far seeking answers to some questions".
Our master told him to ask his questions"
I wish to be an intelligent man, what should I do?
Holy Prophet Replied, "Fear Allah"
I wish to be a loyal servant to Allah and do what He wants me to do?
Holy Prophet Replied, "Read the Qur'an."
I wish to be enlightened and have peace of heart?
Holy Prophet Replied, "Remember Death"
I wish to be protected against enemies?
Holy Prophet Replied, "Trust in Allah"
I wish to follow the Straight  Path?
Holy Prophet Replied, "Do good to others for Allah's sake"
What should I do so that Allah  does not abase me?
Holy Prophet Replied, "Do not respond to the desires of your flesh"
I wish to have a long life?
Holy Prophet Replied, "Praise and thank Allah
I wish for prosperity?
Holy Prophet Replied, "Be in a state of ablution at all times"
How can I save myself from the hellfire?
Holy Prophet Replied, "Protect your eyes and your tongue and
your hands and what is below your waistline against evil".
How can I cleanse myself from my sins?
Holy Prophet Replied, ";Shed tears for what you have
done and repent by undoing what you have done wrong".
I wish to be a respectable person?
Holy Prophet Replied, "Then, don't ask for anything from anybody"
I wish to be honorable?
Holy Prophet Replied, "Then don't divulge the wrong doings of anybody"
What should I do to protect  myself from the tortures of the grave?
Holy Prophet Replied,"Recite the Surah Mulk"
What should one do to be rich?
Holy Prophet Replied, "Read the Surah Muzammil"
How should I calm my fear of the day of last judgment?
Holy Prophet Replied,"Remember Allah before you eat anything and before you sleep".
What should I do to feel the  presence of Allah when I make my prayers?
Holy Prophet Replied,"Give the utmost care in taking your ablutions and in being clean and pure".