Lost the Plot | New Site Uploading
Welcome to our site!

Hey dudes.
Sorry again but our site messed up and looked crap so we've decided to upload a new one.

Anyway because everyone knows that creating a site is not easy, you have this page. Basically you can't go wandering around the site with half the pages missing like you could last time.

Well we have thought ahead.
Instead of checking every day for AGES, why not save time and add your name to our mailing list. When the site is complete we may even send you a free song because you've co-operated.

Das Monkey
Email Address:
Ahem. We also hate those sad spam Emailing Bastards so we promise we  will only use your Email address for Emailing you when the website is complete. Guarenteed.
While our sites being uploaded check out our shoutbox and talk away!