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1. Reading and Comprehension

2. Grammar

3. Listening

4. Creative Writing

5. ....


This web site is suitable for young learners of age 9 to 11. We have uploaded different activities and materials to develop their reading skills, grammar and vocabulary. We have added exercises that can be evaluated instantly with effective feedback. We hope that these interactive will help you kids to build your confidence level and enhance your basic reading skills.

Reading Skills:

·       Text is available on Aladdin and the Magic Lamp and The Wizard of Oz. After reading the texts you can attempt Exercises on ‘Multiple Choice Questions’, ‘Fill in the Blanks’ and ‘True or False’. This will enhance your comprehension skills. Instant and effective feedback will interest you and build your confidence level. This will boost your basic reading skills.

·       Article: Exercise on article is given to help you practice what has   been taught in the class on this topic.

·       Adjective: Exercise on article is given to help you practice what has been taught in the class on this topic.

·       Punctuation: Exercise on article is given to help you practice what has been taught in the class on this topic.


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