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You are Heero Yuy.You are considered the Perfact Soldier and pretty mich go through with the missions as you are told or instinctly act on. You appear to be stone, but deep down there are emotions that help drive your actions. You understand all too well the pains of war, and let it brush by you, letting it hurt you in the long run.
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You are athletic and determined, though not necessarily the best of students. You have a strong sense of justice and are always willing to help thoughs in need. You love to joke around, and have tons of friends. though you love a good chase, you never like to get caught.
click here to find out what justice girl you are
The mysterious beauty. You love deeply, you have a tragic past and tragic future.
click here to find out which CB cheractor you are.
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You are Laguna! Although you're way to shy with the opposite sex, You've got a heart of of gold. You're a good leader and well liked by those who know you. Most of your friends look up to your good sense when they need advice.