N E W S:

december 2001:

Well there isn't that much to tell actually, except that we restarted Monroe again with Lander on vocals. We have already played one show: the 'That's all punks' fest in Kuurne with Pacific Beach Patrol, Square One, Captain Compost and Wilson on the 30th november. It was quite chaotic (we decided to take Lander back as a singer about a week before the show) and we could only play our (very) old songs but we had fun and we got some positive reactions. We're taking a break again because some members have exams in january but we will continue writing new tunes and playing shows again.

There will probably be a show in may 2002 or something in JH Acroll in Bellegem, organised by the Monroe dudes, and yes it will be a punkrock party! This isn't sure yet but if it happens it will probably be with Monroe, All Stressed Out, Joynutz and Wilson... We'll see what happens!

Go back home!

An old picture! About two years ago Sander wasn't a real John but a skatefreak! Here he is , skating outside our rehearsalroom...