Our Recent Arrests!

Cocaine, Gun, Marijuana & Cash

click below to see video of evidence


click on the pictures below to see an enlarged version

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Arkansas State Trooper Darrell Winston called for assistance when he smelled the odor of Narcotics during a traffic stop on Highway 49. About 1:00 a.m. on Monday morning, May 1, 2000. Trooper Winston was assisted by Drug Investigator Randy Julian and Sheriff Billy Morris in the search of the Subaru. A search of the vehicle's trunk, revealed (2) rocks of Cocaine, (8) bags of Marijuana, a 38 revolver, ammunition, and approximately $1,600.00 in cash.



263 Pounds of Marijuana

Click on the Picture Below to see an enlarged version


Arkansas State Police Trooper Rodney Myers, who is assigned to Monroe County, confiscated 263 pounds of marijuana after a traffic stop on April 8, 2000.

Street Value: $543,000.00

26 pounds (12 kilos) of 


Click on the Picture Below to see an enlarged version

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Pictured above: Sheriff Billy Joe Morris, 1st Judicial Drug Task Force Agent Mike Page,  Monroe County Drug Investigator Randy Julian, Arkansas State Police Agent Barry Roy, and Trooper Rodney Myers.

Trooper Myers also confiscated this 12 Kilograms of Cocaine here in Monroe County on April 6, 2000.

Street Value $1,200.000.00

Bust-Out in Brinkley

After several long months of an intense investigation, a city-wide Drug Bust-Out was conducted in Brinkley in February. As a result of this operation, 44 arrest warrants were issued. Below are a few pictures taken during the raid. 

Monroe County is making arrangements at this time with the State of Michigan to extradite Brinkley resident William C. Swanigan back to Monroe County on drug charges stemming from this bust-out. 

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On Wednesday April 26, 2000, Sheriff Morris and Deputy Tommy Bivens traveled to the County Jail facility (pictured above) in Flint Michigan where William C. Swanigan was being held on Drug Charges out of Monroe County. He was extradited back to our county and is currently being held in the Monroe County Detention Center. 

Officers from the Arkansas State Police, First Judicial Drug Task Force, Monroe County Sheriff's Department, and their auxiliary, Brinkley, Clarendon and Holly Grove City officers all co-operated to make this the biggest and most successful drug bust in Brinkley history.

Click on the Pictures below to see an enlarged version.


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Bust out in Clarendon

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Meth Lab Busted

Monroe County Sheriff's Department also development information that was used by the Arkansas State Police and First Judicial Drug Task Force and Woodruff County Sheriff's Department to bust a Meth Lab near Cotton Plant a couple of weeks ago. 

Arson-Homicide Investigation



An arson-homicide investigation is taking place in Brinkley. The Monroe County Sheriff's Department has offered a $10,000.00 reward for any information that leads to the arrest and conviction of suspect. 

Click on t he Pictures Below to see an enlarged version



New Office Building to Open in Brinkley~

Plans to open a new office building began this week. The facility will house offices for the Sheriff, Deputies, State Police Officers and a Drug Task Force Officer. The offices should be open to the public before the end of the month. This is an effort to make all of the Law Enforcement Officers that serve Monroe County more accessible to the Brinkley Community. 

Drug Screening for all Employees

The Monroe County Sheriff approached the Quorum Court in it's monthly meeting Monday night to implement a new Drug Screening Policy for all of it's employees. Any person employed with the Monroe County Sheriff's Department in ANY capacity will be subject to mandatory drug screening.

We are dedicated to halting drug use in our County. We want to show the community that we mean business, even in our own business. Drug use will not be tolerated in or outside of the Monroe County Sheriff's Department.