Saturday Horror #14
Punkchicken: here is our first match, its between Varan & Baragon VS Armadon
and Verdigo. So here we go down to Battle Island.
Tomzilla: here comes the Primal Rage, Armadon and Verdigo into the city
Punkchicken: I can make out Varan in the grasslands and Verdigo near Mt.
Monster. They are heading to the city now. I'm not sure if Armadon and
Verdigo see them?
Tomzilla: Well find out if they know, Varan & Baragon charge it's a spear!
Armadon whips his tail at Varan. Oooh right in the face, man that's gotta
Punkchicken: Varan is gushing blood as Baragon fires electricity at Armadon
and Verdigo shocking them badly. He's going over to help Varan
Tomzilla: uh-oh here comes Armadon. He jumps! Oh man he body slams them
Punkchicken: they both get up and clothesline Armadon and Verdigo. Verdigo
spits at Baragon and temporarily blinds him. Baragon flails around madly in
absolute rage. Oh a shot connects breaking Verdigo's jaw.
Tomzilla: looks like hell need a dentist! Armadon barrels forward plowing
both Baragon and Varan into a building.
Punkchicken: what's this! Armadon and Verdigo both pick up a building. They
start beating Baragon and Varan into the ground. Varan is getting up! So is
Tomzilla: Both Armadon and Verdigo charge and knock Baragon and Varan back
to the ground. They both get up again! And again they are knocked back
Punkchicken: Armadon pins Varan 1, 2, he gets blasted off by Baragon's
energy ray. Armadon starts climbing a building! He gets to the top, he's
going to body slam Baragon from the top of the building!
Tomzilla: looks like Armadon is going down, Varan gets up and tackles
Verdigo through the building that Armadon is on top of! Baragon rises to
his feet and pins Armadon
Punkchicken: 1, 2, 3! Baragon and Varan win!
The Flyers (Aero Rodan & Deathtra) vs. Cyber-Godzilla & Godjira
Deathtra: Now for the reason I am fighting is because I want a little action before I leave! So Aero Rodan and I will win this match!
Tomzilla: And the match starts with Aero Rodan firing a Plasma Blast at Godjira! Godjira is hit and heals quickly; he fire's an Ice Beam attack that freezes Aero Rodan! Aero Rodan's body lights up red and melts the ice! Cyber-Godzilla fire's another Thermonuclear Blast at Deathtra, ripping her back!
Punkchicken: Deathtra looks at CG (Cyber-Godzilla) and releases a Fire Twister that rips at CG's body! CG fire's his Shoulder Cannons that blow Deathtra onto a bridge! Godjira grabs Aero Rodan and does a Vertical Suplex to him through a building. Godjira runs towards Deathtra
Tomzilla: Godjira arrives and both CG and Godjira fire Thermonuclear Blast at Deathtra! Deathtra roars in pain! Deathtra use's the heat attacks and transforms! Deathtra becomes Magna Deathtra! MD grab's CG and breaks his body in half!
Punkchicken: MD grabs Godjira and throws him in the air! MD fire's a Magna Twister that burns Godjira's whole body! But while it's happening Aero Rodan fly's up and Magma Tackles Godjira! The heat is too much and Godjira perishes!
Godzilla Jr. vs. Ghidorah
Punkchicken: Godzilla Jr. charges at? Ghidorah is gone? Why is that? Well start counting 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10! Ghidorah is counted out the winner is Godzilla Jr.?
Galaxy Trians: Fools! I can't believe you haven't figured this out! When we zapped Mecha King Ghidorah with our Green Ray we just replaced Mecha Ghidorah with Ghidorah, Monster Zero! Meaning Mecha Ghidorah is still here and he has entered in the MWF vs. Galaxy Trians match! So prepare to suffer next week!
Tomzilla: Well that was strange!
Godzilla & Angilas vs. Bagan & Dragma
Tomzilla: Match starts and Godzilla and Angilas are on the attack. Angilas faces off against Dragma and Bagan fights the king!
Punkchicken: Ouch! Godzilla does a Power Bomb to Bagan and pins: 1 2! Bagan kicks out. Angilas charges Dragma, Dragma dodges and fires a Nova Ray that blows Angilas through a few buildings!
Tomzilla: Godzilla releases his Atomic Blast that hits Bagan right in the chest! Bagan falls back, but wait?" He didn't fall? Bagan is back on the attack! Bagan fires a Ninja Star a Godzilla? Godzilla is hit; the Ninja Star cuts the side of Godzilla!
Punkchicken: Angilas uses his Tusks to fight off Dragma. But with no hope! Dragma spears Angilas onto a bridge!
Tomzilla: Bagan Power Bomb Godzilla, and then does a Leg Drop and pins: 1 2! Godzilla kicks out. Godzilla fires a Spiral Blast that impacts right against Bagan's jaw! Bagan's jaw is all covered with blood! Godzilla looks over to see Dragma about to put Angilas through a bridge.
Punkchicken: Dragma fly's high up. But then Godzilla fires another Nuclear Blast that causes Dragma too loose balance. Dragma falls down to the bridge. Godzilla tells Angilas of what he is going to do. Dragma is down lying on the ground. Godzilla picks Angilas up and throws him in the air! Angilas is thrown high up but then Angilas falls back, back first! The force slams Dragma through the bridge! Wait Angilas is pinning 1 2 3! Dragma is out!
Tomzilla: Godzilla looks back at Bagan, he looks angry and confident now. Godzilla charges at Bagan and tackles him, slamming him into the side of a skyscraper. Angilas runs up and spears Bagan through the skyscraper. Angilas looks down onto Bagan, but Bagan fires a White Beam that hits Angilas in the stomach. The power sends Angilas whirling through 3 skyscraper. Angilas lands hard! Ouch he looks injured probably cause his stomach is all ripped to shreds. Blood gushes out of Angilas's stomach and chest! The horror the horror!
Punkchicken: Maybe that's why its called Saturday Horror! Look, Bagan grabs Godzilla and chucks him away. Godzilla is in the air and Bagan fires an Electrical Zap that hits Godzilla, shocking his entire body. The worse part is Godzilla just has landed in the Water Area. Godzilla feels the electricity!
Tomzilla: Bagan heads to Angilas and pins: 1 2 3! Angilas is out! Bagan heads towards Godzilla. Godzilla rises out of the Water Area. But is met with a fist in his face. Godzilla falls back from the pain! Bagan picks Godzilla up and does a Power Body Slam and pins: 1 2! Godzilla kicks out and kicks Bagan in the face. Godzilla gets up and Closelines Bagan down to the ground. Godzilla blast is at the fallen Bagan! Bagan is hit and begins to be roasted. But then Bagan recovers and doesn't even feel Godzilla's attacks! Bagan grabs Godzilla and does a Bagan Hug (Bear Hug!). Godzilla spits out blood, but then Godzilla's whole body glows bright blue! He is going to do
Punkchicken: His Nuclear Pulse! The force sends Bagan into a group of skyscrapers! Godzilla loads up energy and fires his Spiral Blast that blows the area up. Bagan's body lands on the ground! I guess the power of Godzilla's Spiral Blast blasted Bagan up in the air!
Tomzilla: Godzilla walks to Bagan and pins: 1 2 3! Godzilla and Angilas have won!
Punkchicken: Well that was an interesting match! Tomzilla what's our next match?
Tomzilla: Our next match is King Kong vs. Gorgo! It is now a Ladder Match!
King Kong vs. Gorgo
Ladder Match
Tomzilla: King Kong starts off with a tackle. Gorgo falls down and Kong Elbow Drop's her while she is down. Kong grabs the ladder and breaks it against Gorgo's back. Kong takes the ladder and puts it up! He puts it up and climbs up it. Oh yeah King Kong is trying to get Berry Juice and Gorgo has asked for a very large piece of meat! Kong is going to grab it!
Punkchicken: Wait Gorgo is up! Gorgo grabs Kong's leg and drags him down the ladder. On the way down Kong smacks his face on the steps. Kong now has a bloody lip. Gorgo smacks Kong right in the face, the smack sends Kong to the ground. Gorgo jumps up and smashes her foot on Kong's face and chest. Kong coughs out blood, then Gorgo grab the ladder and climbs up. They Berry Juice is replaced and now a piece of meat Is there. Gorgo climbs up. She taps the meat, she steps up more, wait Kong is climbing up!
Tomzilla: Kong is up and starts to punch Gorgo in the face and the gut! Now both the Berry Juice and the Meat is there hanging! Kong leans back, so does Gorgo, they both punch eachother in the face. Both fall off, Kong lands on a skyscraper. He crushes it with his immense weight. Gorgo falls and slams into the ground. Cracks form from where Gorgo landed. Kong gets up and does a Ankle Lock to Gorgo. Gorgo quickly kicks Kong back. Gorgo is in front of a bridge now!
Punkchicken: And Gorgo charges, Kong grabs Gorgo's neck, and does a Gorilla Chokeslam to Gorgo, he sends her through the bridge. Kong looks at the ladder and climbs up! He grabs the Berry Juice and drinks it! We have a winner! Wait Gorgo is back up! Gorgo lifts the ladder with Kong on it! Gorgo heads towards Mt. Monster! Gorgo is not that far away from it. Gorgo smacks Kong and knocks him out. Gorgo is on top of Mt. Monster! Kong is still on the ladder! Gorgo tosses Kong in the mouth of Mt. Monster! Kong roars in agony!
Tomzilla: That is really, really viscous!
Punkchicken: What a match! Well our next match is Tomzilla what is our next match?
Tomzilla: Once again my monsters face off in a match! Godgilas vs. Crypto!
Godgilas vs. Crypto
Japan Title
Tomzilla: Both of my monsters are in the Ice Field! Godgilas starts off by tackles Crypto into a ice hill! Godgilas charges his eyes. Godgilas fires his Eye Beams that explode against the ice! It causes an avalanche! Already one of my monsters is down under!
Punkchicken: Right (Sarcastic). Wait Crypto is getting out? Crypto fires a Heat Ray! It misses? Wait he didn't! The Heat Ray hit the ice behind Godgilas! The ice underneath Godgilas cracks and he falls down under! Godgilas try's to get up but Crypto slashes Godgilas's hands. They are badly cut, but wait? Godgilas's Regeneration is helping Godgilas. Godgilas is healed but then Crypto fires Plasma Rays that blow Godgilas in deeper beneath the ice! Godgilas looks up and Crypto closes the opening!
Tomzilla: Crypto roars as he thinks he has won? My monster is stupid or something? Godgilas fires a Nuclear Blast that blast is through the surface of the ice and plows Crypto upward (The blast hit Crypto and is sending him upwards). Godgilas gets out of the hole he made with his blast. Crypto coming down and Godgilas leans back. Crypto lands on the spikes!
Punkchicken: Ouch! That has got to sting!
Tomzilla: No, and ordinarily monster maybe, but a monster who's skin can't be broken? I doubt it! Godgilas grabs Crypto and does a Super Power Bomb. Godgilas pin: 1 2! Crypto is able to kick out! Godgilas grabs Crypto and Tombstones Crypto to the icy ground. The force breaks through the ice! Godgilas fires another Nuclear Blast. Crypto doesn't feel it. But Godgilas grabs Crypto, takes him out, and Body Slams Crypto and pin: 1 2 3! Oh man and Crypto's winning streak ends and looses his title on his first defense!
Punkchicken: Well it looks like Crypto looses the cake!
Tomzilla: What cake? Say what? Where is the cake?
Punkchicken: I have no clue, maybe it's here! Throws a cake at Tomzilla.
Tomzilla: Ducks down. The cake somehow reaches Godgilas and hits him in the eye! Um Punkchicken?
Punkchicken: I know! I threw it that far!
Tomzilla: No run!
Punkchicken! AHHHHHHHHH! Suddenly Chickenzilla comes over! A Nuclear Blast hits Chickenzilla and melts him. No! Throws Godgilas the giant turkey! There, hey Um Tomzilla? What's our next and finale match?
Tomzilla: Wait! He has already fought! Well I know he can beat Barugon
Galaxy Trains: And Bagan! There, Bagan has already fought so its even!
Tomzilla: Even? I don't think so! Anyway Bagan, I think shouldn't become Super Bagan, it would be unfair!
Galaxy Trians: Deal! What they don't know is we are planning a huge invasion in a few months! MUHAHAHA!
Tomzilla & Punkchicken: Ok, we just heard that! But let's not let them know it! Anyway Godgilas excepts the match!
Enferno & Godira vs. Primal Rage
Punkchicken: and the match starts with Enferno firing Fireball's that that hit Blizzard everywhere on the body! The flames cause the skin to burn badly! Godira and Sauron are in a monster fight that will never end? Well maybe! Godira fires a Nuclear Blast, the blast sends Sauron whirling through 5 buildings! Enferno grabs Blizzard and does a Power Bomb and pins: 1 2 3! Oh man Blizzard is gone!
Tomzilla: Godira is blasted away by Sauron's Plasma Wave. Sauron bites down onto Godira's side. Godira grabs Sauron and throws him into a building. Sauron gets up a see that both Enferno and Godira are loading up energy! Enferno fires a Atomic Blast and Godira fires a Nuclear Blast! Both rays hit and now it's raining Sauron! Sauron's limbs are everywhere! Yuck! Well this match is over quickly!
Punkchicken: Well not it's that surprise match up! Godgilas has to fight both Barugon and Bagan!
Bagan & Barugon
Tomzilla: Godgilas fires a Nuclear Blast that heads right to Barugon! The beam goes into the mouth and Barugon blows up! EW! Bagan heads towards Godgilas and does a Neck Breaker and pins: 1 2! Godgilas kicks out! Godgilas gets up and does a DDT and pins: 1 2! Godgilas picks Bagan up and does a Frankenstiener! Wow and a pin: 1 2..! Bagan kicks out! Godgilas cuts the building in half with his Eye Beams! He picks it up and smashes it against Bagan's face! Godgilas picks Bagan up and does a Gilas Hug! Godgilas's whole body glows and he is about to do a Nuclear Pulse!
Bagan: Not this again!
Punkchicken: Wait! Bagan has just become Super Bagan! SB does a powerful beam attack that knocks Godgilas through 25 building and then all the way to the
Grass Lands! Godgilas is blasted through a mountain as well! SB goes towards the fallen monster! But then Godzilla and Godira appear! Godgilas is the Godzilla Jr. from Godzilla vs. Destroyer!
Tomzilla: All 3 attack! SB is able to take them down until Godzilla and Godira become Super! Both Super Godzilla and Super Godira beat the crap out of SB! Aero Rodan and Deathtra come flying in! At the same time Aero Rodan and Deathtra fire a Plasma Blast and a Fire Twister! Then Super Godzilla and Super Godira give energy to both Godgilas and Aero Rodan! They fuse into one becoming Aerogilas! SB is shocked and try's to get away but Aerogilas is able to beat the crap out of him! SB surrenders right after Aerogilas re fuses and Godgilas is the winner! The winner is Godgilas!
Galaxy Trians: That is just one of my monsters! You think that is all we got? Well we can change something! We have been able to go through the entire universe and found a monster that can beat anybody! This monster a monster we created! Its data can not be found! This monster is Trians! Es we have formed a monster out of our own people! Trians is able to use any Movie/Created Monster in existence! So be prepared to die!
Tomzilla & Punkchicken: Right (Sarcasm)
Tomzilla: Anyway we are out of time! So this is Tomzilla and Punkchicken saying good bye everyone from the #1 Monster Wrestling Site!